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Annat me and my girlfriend (ChristinaAKAMumbles) are cool and are working things out. Again, I am sorry that you are feeling bad about this. It's cool and none of it is your fault or is anything you should feel bad over. You rule.Don't sweat it
KDK on Wednesday May 14, 2008
Thank you Anna for your honesty. I really appreciated it and so does my girlfriend. You are a class act all the way and I apologize for you been stuck in this drama. Thank you again.
KDK on Wednesday May 14, 2008
KDK - I am so sorry. I sincerely hope that she will see this. As I swear of everything that is holy that this is purely friends. KDK, is a very nice guy. Has never hit on me or any other woman that we have played poker with. I enjoy KDK's company as he is funny and witty. HONESTLY, the "LUV ya" is a friendly LUV!!! Never would it mean anything more. This is a online friendship...ABSOLUTELY nothing more. He has spoken very highly of his girlfriend and I have known that from the beginning. I sincerely apologize if I have caused problems. I actually makes me sick to think that I have. KDK - I do understand who she must feel even though I am sure that you have told her that we are purely friends. To your girlfriend - I am very sorry. I hope that you believe what I am saying. Honestly, I am a friendly person, but this is online. Nothing more! :) It was very nice to meet you KDK. Wish you the best on and offline. Take care!
annat on Wednesday May 14, 2008
Anna, I know that all this is is 2 friends online who enjoy playing poker and joking around. You know that I have a girlfriend and we both know this is nothing more but a friendship but for some reason my girlfriend thinks it is more which is creating stress in my life. I'm pasting what she want's me to tell you and I'm sorry. I read her comments too and you two are getting too personal with each other it's not just bsing about poker and Yes that's exactly what you are supposed to say to her "hey don't send me notes anymore, it's nothing personal, but its creating problems in my relationship".
KDK on Wednesday May 14, 2008
KDK - I hope that you have a much better day today!!!! Hope to see you soon!!!
annat on Wednesday May 14, 2008
Stop, you are giving me delusions of grandeur. You rule Topeka, and Iove the fact that you sent me after you had 2 drinks. Luuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvv uuuuuuuuuuu and take care beautiful.
KDK on Monday May 12, 2008
KDK - I LUV ya!!!! You are so MUCH fun!!!! AND a very good poker player! Hope to see you soon.
annat on Monday May 12, 2008
I almost made you "wet yourself" eh? ;) I apologize but sometimes my immature sense of humor can't resist itself. Was I just writing in 3rd person? :) So I was confused with the knife running over the dolphin toe comment? Were you referring to the needle when you got the tat? You asked yesterday about me gals kid. He's 5 and he does not belong to me. Simple and to the point she got knocked up by a complete loser and is a great mom. We've been dating for about 7 months and being a 29 year old bachelor throwing a kid into the mix has been interesting. He is a very good kid though so that makes it easier. I'm rambling and good lord anyone can read this can't they A to the double N to the A space T. Hope you had a good one.
KDK on Monday May 12, 2008
Born 2 lose, Love hate!!!!!! OMG! I damn near wet myself with that one. :) As to my monthly check, hmmm see you don't want to help me boost that up a bit with no notes. But, that's fine hun...We will continue to use ur page and get you up there. HAHAHAHA!! Hope you had a good day and to see ya soon!!!
annat on Monday May 12, 2008
Not a social butterfly eh? I think gpoker should be sending you a monthly check judging by all the other posts you have on your profile. Your keeping gpoker running all on your own. :) As for the Dolphin toe I can't really poke fun at you. Still saving money so I can get the laser removal for my eagle on my chest, Born 2 Lose on my back shoulder blades, and the classic LOVE HATE on my knuckles. Take care and have a good one.
KDK on Monday May 12, 2008
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