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December 2024 Competition


Last 10 Hands


Daily Performance

DayRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 20 36th $219320 216 0 1 +77,500 / -22,000 +156 $332720
December 18 35th $173521 11 0 0 +22,000 / -5,000 +1,770 $180521
December 16 33rd $154021 121 0 0 +27,000 / -53,225 +504 $154021
December 12 51st $94971 163 0 0 +7,400 / -19,800 -274 $147843
December 11 34th $145543 172 0 1 +45,800 / -19,199 +187 $164272
December 10 38th $106097 171 0 0 +8,500 / -20,000 -99 $145963
December 9 33rd $119949 139 0 4 +18,876 / -6,200 +226 $119999
December 6 43rd $83968 192 0 3 +18,987 / -3,200 +102 $84668
December 5 43rd $64120 170 0 8 +28,100 / -1,425 +286 $64520
December 4 117th $8333 216 4 4 +3,960 / -4,150 +3 $9522
December 3 116th $6418 119 0 2 +2,200 / -1,700 +13 $6518
December 2 195th $0 314 4 4 +4,600 / -4,900 -20 $9558

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 1
2024-12-10 16:00:04.0
7th $0 26 0 3 +1,600 / -1,325 -61 $131163
Mini Freeroll 1
2024-12-02 16:00:04.0
13th $0 12 0 0 +400 / -1,225 -123 $9708
2500 Daily
2024-11-29 11:00:02.0
5th $0 19 0 0 +1,000 / -2,300 -82 $52729
Mini Freeroll 1
2024-11-22 16:00:05.0
14th $0 11 0 0 +650 / -775 -135 $15119
2500 Daily Reprise
2024-11-22 15:00:06.0
4th $0 34 0 5 +2,758 / -3,100 -50 $14878
Mini Freeroll 1
2024-11-21 16:00:01.0
6th $0 27 0 1 +1,808 / -866 -60 $12938
Daily 5k Reprise
2023-03-17 17:00:02.0
13th $0 12 0 0 +950 / -900 -122 $15103
Mini Freeroll 1
2023-03-17 16:00:06.0
13th $0 9 0 0 +450 / -2,000 -167 $7950
Mini Freeroll 1
2023-03-14 16:00:07.0
10th $0 14 0 0 +675 / -1,350 -104 $2175
Daily 5k Reprise
2023-02-24 17:00:08.0
10th $0 14 0 2 +1,925 / -3,200 -108 $14525

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 2024 36th $219320 2004 8 27 +77,500 / -53,225 -26 $332720
November 2024 94th $42156 1261 6 34 +16,900 / -10,128 -6 $70784
April 2023 227th $6225 22 1 1 +4,850 / -675 +149 $6475
March 2023 272nd $2075 460 11 8 +3,900 / -9,453 +0 $16053
February 2023 208th $11425 772 1 7 +22,600 / -16,300 +0 $58837
January 2023 174th $19132 1131 6 15 +18,300 / -15,665 +3 $50726
December 2022 767th $0 1641 13 27 +26,200 / -21,500 -9 $117026
November 2022 53rd $202955 2315 24 31 +32,622 / -19,600 -8 $240155
October 2022 39th $355891 980 4 7 +27,200 / -25,000 +13 $399917
February 2016 894th $2475 33 3 1 +1,700 / -3,692 -342 $9150
January 2016 2462nd $0 24 3 0 +250 / -1,500 -370 $3550
December 2015 250th $32475 23 0 2 +4,750 / -4,800 -130 $32500
July 2015 498th $9625 17 0 1 +4,450 / -975 +243 $11075
June 2015 576th $6175 70 0 0 +2,950 / -1,500 +31 $8175
May 2015 1676th $0 214 3 5 +6,825 / -15,975 -110 $17775
April 2015 440th $7850 57 1 1 +5,825 / -4,800 +85 $15850
March 2015 358th $11500 216 3 5 +6,575 / -2,000 +25 $12650
December 2014 716th $1587 63 3 3 +3,350 / -3,100 -70 $5500
November 2014 379th $10864 417 4 12 +14,382 / -10,600 -22 $29264
October 2014 105th $187040 281 5 3 +38,500 / -19,800 +25 $185440
September 2014 400th $13148 180 5 6 +2,900 / -3,449 +6 $14198
August 2014 416th $11800 644 20 19 +8,800 / -20,449 -58 $33420
July 2014 162nd $52200 606 1 22 +30,262 / -16,136 +75 $66569
June 2014 1529th $0 136 1 5 +6,150 / -11,300 -104 $29350
May 2014 269th $24673 856 20 18 +14,600 / -9,880 -9 $73302
April 2014 286th $26750 1146 21 26 +15,800 / -22,200 -51 $66317
January 2014 1746th $0 17 1 0 +200 / -1,425 -176 $1600
December 2013 2714th $0 26 1 0 +1,600 / -1,500 -115 $4975
November 2013 322nd $25000 162 7 6 +4,950 / -5,568 -74 $7700
October 2013 571st $8471 612 23 22 +15,600 / -22,191 -32 $42419
September 2013 150th $97485 751 12 29 +33,866 / -10,020 +103 $102135
August 2013 3258th $0 578 20 19 +10,370 / -13,625 -60 $17451
July 2013 2752nd $0 737 20 16 +9,447 / -6,650 -43 $14594
June 2013 139th $111254 1290 19 39 +19,800 / -19,300 +47 $143004
May 2013 164th $83678 2030 18 62 +23,305 / -16,100 -6 $88578
April 2013 1038th $3200 802 23 24 +11,413 / -13,600 -41 $27721
February 2013 2211th $475 17 0 0 +775 / -1,050 -60 $1700
January 2013 644th $10964 84 3 4 +5,697 / -2,400 +59 $12439
December 2012 4112th $0 76 2 3 +4,750 / -2,100 -59 $7013
September 2012 1934th $1450 75 6 0 +900 / -1,500 -141 $2575
August 2012 1214th $2800 612 1 18 +37,984 / -19,800 +0 $69893
July 2012 952nd $5775 46 2 2 +1,775 / -1,500 +28 $7900
June 2012 4057th $0 56 2 0 +3,300 / -4,950 -63 $6475
May 2012 4222nd $0 888 41 38 +5,431 / -6,966 -71 $14980
April 2012 925th $6694 1385 49 48 +29,933 / -23,200 -46 $89489
March 2012 407th $29801 2452 73 59 +16,425 / -19,700 -35 $49953
February 2012 1561st $2097 569 10 22 +5,578 / -5,400 -26 $24228
January 2012 5232nd $0 495 31 9 +11,010 / -9,248 -95 $16315
July 2011 890th $7675 27 1 1 +4,750 / -600 +173 $7025
April 2011 2288th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
March 2011 4090th $0 221 6 12 +5,200 / -8,650 -47 $19772
February 2011 5259th $0 2162 55 72 +79,044 / -68,970 -89 $261057
January 2011 5449th $0 5133 37 136 +61,500 / -56,000 -9 $367306
December 2010 6289th $0 492 21 15 +15,208 / -20,000 -72 $38908
November 2010 624th $15412 238 16 13 +7,825 / -6,993 -29 $16193
October 2010 5837th $0 894 38 56 +9,050 / -16,700 -68 $38228
September 2010 475th $23031 804 26 46 +21,200 / -11,321 -16 $50289
August 2010 5502nd $0 316 11 19 +8,025 / -20,000 -45 $29800
July 2010 4927th $0 147 13 5 +4,121 / -5,075 -143 $6792
June 2010 5600th $0 5 1 0 -50 / -1,500 -600 $1500
May 2010 4304th $0 464 29 22 +10,050 / -11,525 -96 $21700
April 2010 1262nd $6200 2551 78 75 +49,500 / -66,000 -62 $271646
March 2010 7993rd $0 6153 96 193 +101,474 / -99,000 -7 $327029
February 2010 332nd $54895 2450 45 75 +40,900 / -27,113 +13 $155024
January 2010 8533rd $0 996 26 38 +9,800 / -10,528 -50 $22758
December 2009 1993rd $3200 21 2 0 +1,800 / -1,450 -62 $2400
November 2009 1830th $3248 46 3 2 +1,749 / -2,200 -60 $3348
October 2009 2516th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2009 8314th $0 41 3 1 +2,450 / -3,075 -146 $4975
July 2009 7010th $0 38 6 0 +1,700 / -2,300 -272 $3100
June 2009 768th $20841 96 0 1 +7,800 / -5,000 -119 $50220
May 2009 10307th $0 129 11 13 +10,300 / -20,000 -140 $20200
April 2009 6215th $0 1377 18 43 +27,138 / -21,972 +4 $116803
March 2009 7793rd $0 2098 56 93 +41,400 / -41,275 -50 $74220
February 2009 9753rd $0 1708 81 69 +55,500 / -58,000 -65 $130043
January 2009 2505th $3750 635 27 24 +34,219 / -106,500 -78 $124466
December 2008 1569th $9600 2419 47 128 +52,289 / -78,000 -21 $117978
November 2008 200th $142790 733 38 42 +70,540 / -18,609 +105 $72250
October 2008 9576th $0 1433 50 53 +49,500 / -29,000 -56 $105952
September 2008 4618th $0 1562 67 67 +146,322 / -316,363 -64 $543863
August 2008 3406th $1500 1831 38 45 +259,500 / -140,000 -30 $641041
July 2008 3567th $1500 1253 36 0 +45,050 / -62,078 +1 $152204
June 2008 10890th $0 1355 12 0 +49,800 / -40,000 +0 $170030
May 2008 1288th $10900 4558 57 0 +65,800 / -40,000 +2 $224976
April 2008 520th $41116 5199 129 0 +38,121 / -39,800 +8 $82792
March 2008 4132nd $1475 2822 99 0 +12,837 / -15,549 +1 $39606
February 2008 4910th $1050 205 20 0 +5,225 / -4,756 +5 $11296
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