Level 33
to level 34


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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
July 2012 1335th $2625 18 0 0 +2,650 / -850 +63 $3875
December 2011 5881st $0 199 1 17 +7,900 / -9,150 -15 $37813
November 2011 678th $11525 616 13 54 +24,800 / -24,800 -15 $70438
October 2011 555th $16700 247 7 21 +12,000 / -10,200 -7 $22969
September 2011 618th $14625 508 37 33 +11,200 / -10,175 -83 $20925
August 2011 256th $49518 802 17 46 +45,268 / -18,150 +26 $70918
July 2011 3704th $0 381 7 37 +16,400 / -17,078 -32 $31651
June 2011 2485th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2011 1569th $2225 24 1 1 +4,175 / -4,675 -32 $8100
March 2011 658th $12697 100 4 10 +9,784 / -7,425 +52 $16909
February 2011 4051st $0 183 8 15 +24,012 / -24,826 -74 $60311
November 2010 6361st $0 406 5 24 +43,694 / -20,000 -22 $86275
October 2010 1406th $3125 32 5 2 +5,525 / -4,050 -230 $9100
September 2010 5178th $0 170 6 11 +9,350 / -5,000 -62 $23701
August 2010 6274th $0 125 15 5 +4,100 / -4,198 -204 $5450
July 2010 5921st $0 496 17 42 +27,600 / -19,700 -54 $56793
June 2010 3775th $0 613 20 51 +15,060 / -18,850 -51 $40827
May 2010 55th $659567 1647 0 73 +269,571 / -110,349 +400 $664067
April 2010 2221st $1500 344 8 36 +20,416 / -11,222 -39 $47454
March 2010 144th $199640 1541 10 65 +54,500 / -81,355 +119 $334090
February 2010 4692nd $0 782 11 62 +25,575 / -22,800 -23 $74761
January 2010 5017th $354 1172 2 63 +42,400 / -35,400 -5 $154444
December 2009 5598th $0 630 26 65 +22,200 / -30,600 -62 $76219
November 2009 5708th $0 237 24 17 +9,550 / -12,795 -158 $20476
October 2009 5734th $0 389 5 29 +33,726 / -19,800 -23 $51940
September 2009 5313th $0 269 13 26 +27,800 / -19,100 -78 $59225
August 2009 9740th $0 78 8 7 +10,250 / -6,050 -192 $14625
July 2009 8578th $0 532 4 31 +37,100 / -71,000 -14 $199937
June 2009 6020th $0 74 13 6 +11,975 / -9,274 -284 $20175
May 2009 7135th $0 304 34 27 +16,500 / -32,300 -173 $43506
April 2009 107th $594496 1735 11 77 +202,500 / -100,000 +332 $661496
March 2009 10396th $0 1153 18 77 +100,000 / -100,000 -25 $426010
February 2009 79th $771313 1583 2 109 +108,500 / -31,850 +485 $754977
January 2009 1915th $6766 107 2 3 +6,200 / -5,000 +21 $33691
December 2008 6469th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
November 2008 2159th $4325 106 3 11 +35,200 / -26,630 -120 $74875
October 2008 4758th $0 708 15 45 +32,613 / -38,400 -34 $73115
September 2008 9183rd $0 609 19 58 +16,071 / -25,475 -52 $79386
August 2008 10450th $0 475 42 54 +10,200 / -20,395 -137 $40698
July 2008 10837th $0 750 69 0 +17,536 / -27,603 +0 $44422
June 2008 11108th $0 789 28 0 +76,616 / -45,500 +0 $162808
May 2008 10762nd $0 1317 101 0 +26,076 / -41,600 +0 $69330
April 2008 8267th $0 2364 142 0 +32,812 / -42,968 +0 $81673
March 2008 11419th $0 2230 83 0 +319,216 / -683,659 +0 $798824
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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