Level 18
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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
July 2014 1041st $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
June 2014 1632nd $0 150 2 4 +2,250 / -5,100 -116 $10575
May 2014 2539th $0 63 2 1 +1,250 / -1,875 -143 $2625
April 2014 1843rd $0 59 2 3 +6,200 / -10,000 -76 $15900
March 2014 1846th $0 599 12 11 +49,450 / -81,500 -33 $184089
February 2014 2225th $0 150 8 9 +4,425 / -5,000 -90 $9983
January 2014 634th $6814 308 14 18 +14,435 / -16,600 -56 $31670
December 2013 2684th $0 247 16 15 +2,600 / -5,000 -121 $11950
November 2013 2600th $0 319 19 9 +16,000 / -16,200 -94 $36875
October 2013 697th $5232 139 12 3 +3,250 / -4,725 -113 $9825
September 2013 3353rd $0 174 14 9 +5,300 / -16,307 -138 $18757
August 2013 1823rd $775 26 3 0 +500 / -1,425 -201 $2075
July 2013 3250th $0 202 14 5 +2,700 / -3,300 -119 $9540
June 2013 3089th $0 132 7 9 +6,775 / -8,825 -91 $10325
May 2013 3035th $0 141 8 5 +4,761 / -6,750 -96 $11511
April 2013 2129th $1050 401 14 19 +11,600 / -18,600 -61 $28100
March 2013 2123rd $1275 1206 53 47 +20,000 / -19,900 -69 $56995
February 2013 2509th $0 568 46 28 +10,950 / -19,800 -129 $22800
January 2013 3300th $0 1017 32 49 +27,000 / -55,593 -55 $105593
December 2012 341st $30504 867 21 41 +26,274 / -62,501 -4 $140504
November 2012 3013th $0 337 10 11 +22,694 / -21,048 -67 $55702
October 2012 4043rd $0 135 10 2 +2,265 / -4,300 -144 $6325
August 2012 2054th $1450 121 10 5 +3,412 / -6,500 -124 $8674
July 2012 4252nd $0 491 11 22 +37,635 / -54,770 -37 $133015
June 2012 3581st $0 242 14 9 +7,383 / -15,200 -93 $27473
May 2012 1731st $1500 431 20 13 +30,500 / -23,200 -73 $89234
April 2012 5243rd $0 191 11 16 +8,775 / -10,725 -94 $14825
March 2012 1622nd $1950 274 16 14 +24,000 / -20,000 -86 $46600
December 2011 1685th $1775 123 7 8 +7,460 / -9,265 -83 $16325
November 2011 775th $9087 220 11 8 +6,675 / -4,350 -54 $19837
October 2011 3704th $0 432 27 23 +14,827 / -18,160 -97 $33104
September 2011 2831st $850 130 10 6 +20,000 / -20,000 -120 $45388
August 2011 5617th $0 276 19 14 +6,275 / -7,948 -114 $14429
July 2011 5530th $0 260 26 9 +6,075 / -9,000 -162 $17132
June 2011 561st $16212 180 7 10 +33,825 / -19,800 +23 $45100
May 2011 3856th $0 329 23 10 +12,875 / -10,562 -114 $35602
April 2011 4444th $0 434 44 29 +11,987 / -17,237 -166 $19225
March 2011 1599th $1688 767 60 39 +21,800 / -100,500 -119 $118814
February 2011 3037th $650 948 57 49 +24,000 / -34,000 -91 $113070
January 2011 4537th $0 2029 137 112 +112,461 / -134,461 -105 $264461
December 2010 3708th $0 1081 65 63 +83,558 / -110,500 -99 $168616
November 2010 4376th $0 470 37 24 +14,620 / -20,000 -121 $27575
November 2009 3119th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
August 2009 9805th $0 14 0 1 +500 / -975 -107 $1550
April 2008 10643rd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 +0 $0
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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