Level 57
to level 58


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December 2024 Competition


Last 10 Hands


Daily Performance

DayRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 13 96th $36079 4 0 1 +8,384 / -800 +1,745 $37079
December 10 87th $29095 10 0 0 +1,600 / -600 +208 $29295
December 9 86th $26995 2 0 0 +0 / -200 -200 $27195
December 8 81st $27395 3 0 0 +2,100 / -600 +433 $28195
December 6 79th $26095 11 0 0 +1,900 / -3,400 -318 $30195
December 5 64th $29595 5 0 0 +0 / -1,100 -690 $32445
December 3 111th $8045 28 0 3 +1,800 / -550 +137 $8070
December 2 103rd $4000 20 1 0 +2,250 / -300 +121 $4350
December 1 40th $0 6 1 0 +150 / -1,500 -749 $1650

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 3
2024-12-06 22:00:03.0
5th $0 27 0 0 +1,000 / -800 -56 $27095
Europe Freeroll
2024-12-04 01:00:03.0
1st $25000 57 0 6 +8,400 / -4,200 +434 $14370
Europe Freeroll Finale
2024-12-01 09:00:03.0
6th $0 14 0 0 +0 / -200 -104 $0
Final Freeroll
2024-11-30 12:00:02.0
11th $0 16 0 0 +100 / -200 -90 $52764
Europe Freeroll Finale
2024-11-28 09:00:03.0
4th $0 25 0 0 +2,000 / -2,025 -64 $40264
Mini Freeroll 1
2024-11-27 16:00:04.0
21st $0 10 0 0 +50 / -1,200 -148 $36514
Europe Freeroll Noch
2024-11-25 05:00:03.0
4th $0 25 0 0 +125 / -100 -53 $17989
Europe Freeroll Noch
2024-11-23 05:00:03.0
4th $0 22 0 0 +0 / -200 -63 $21375
2500 Daily
2024-11-12 11:00:03.0
12th $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,350 -750 $22000
Mini Freeroll 1
2024-11-07 16:00:03.0
3rd $10000 32 0 4 +4,540 / -11,915 -53 $6040

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 2024 96th $36079 89 2 4 +8,384 / -3,400 +67 $37079
November 2024 85th $52664 453 11 3 +16,300 / -4,900 +68 $52864
October 2024 74th $71419 157 0 4 +25,143 / -3,300 +407 $71719
May 2021 662nd $1375 6 0 0 +50 / -250 -20 $1675
July 2020 267th $17855 61 6 4 +9,880 / -5,829 +130 $17855
June 2020 211th $23150 72 14 4 +11,875 / -5,000 +6 $23150
May 2020 935th $0 920 46 26 +61,700 / -95,000 -153 $198595
April 2020 77th $167601 2094 71 88 +78,000 / -89,500 -2 $244321
March 2020 1154th $0 2332 96 107 +86,000 / -76,896 -7 $183599
February 2020 982nd $0 1794 115 89 +24,050 / -20,950 -11 $59362
January 2020 75th $167621 1316 41 39 +65,680 / -78,500 +11 $189820
December 2019 58th $166784 927 44 33 +78,584 / -83,948 +136 $166784
November 2019 135th $61041 510 58 36 +39,794 / -19,800 +52 $64441
October 2019 957th $0 278 29 14 +9,575 / -17,800 -197 $31775
September 2019 388th $5650 782 18 21 +37,191 / -80,146 -85 $131882
August 2019 858th $0 682 56 45 +17,400 / -23,355 -16 $55855
July 2019 23rd $543977 780 1 12 +209,000 / -23,000 +506 $545977
June 2019 603rd $1359 654 53 27 +71,645 / -108,580 -28 $160290
May 2019 422nd $2975 1272 56 49 +40,500 / -19,400 -5 $63100
April 2019 63rd $173861 1330 38 48 +75,720 / -83,000 +66 $174861
March 2019 330th $8129 251 6 12 +18,433 / -16,000 -12 $42136
January 2019 63rd $180046 667 54 34 +93,245 / -16,770 +184 $180046
December 2018 51st $254553 2029 32 53 +212,000 / -99,000 +0 $318490
November 2018 58th $189374 1997 41 47 +127,738 / -213,000 +74 $545308
October 2018 222nd $27144 1998 110 86 +65,000 / -52,918 +0 $216270
September 2018 21st $667657 1695 17 27 +199,000 / -101,500 -10 $1040588
August 2018 22nd $816845 1394 12 20 +109,500 / -98,000 +313 $818845
July 2018 507th $3225 460 23 21 +18,600 / -69,881 -49 $107381
June 2018 1242nd $0 474 34 25 +9,482 / -21,600 -31 $29796
May 2018 74th $179862 1802 86 82 +85,000 / -47,352 +45 $181730
April 2018 71st $172864 1454 44 43 +91,932 / -91,751 +83 $172864
March 2018 71st $188238 833 3 18 +89,500 / -45,014 +19 $380706
February 2018 87th $147630 672 11 25 +63,646 / -78,500 +109 $147630
January 2018 749th $1500 479 28 26 +16,450 / -19,800 -38 $41500
December 2017 111th $111319 1567 74 72 +41,833 / -92,500 +36 $131042
November 2017 55th $252414 2424 34 46 +248,000 / -164,000 -88 $536414
October 2017 22nd $714490 1428 18 43 +118,000 / -41,000 +120 $714690
September 2017 1317th $0 724 42 40 +33,694 / -40,000 -37 $60947
August 2017 71st $210657 924 20 21 +84,500 / -37,167 +130 $211657
July 2017 972nd $1450 542 31 25 +18,200 / -19,100 -27 $53199
June 2017 53rd $274294 1568 57 60 +141,000 / -27,000 +111 $275294
May 2017 97th $165415 1385 8 27 +37,800 / -23,500 -7 $214242
April 2017 66th $210870 1484 15 23 +39,900 / -21,100 -13 $265676
March 2017 407th $14776 1273 49 50 +19,800 / -22,525 -12 $71127
February 2017 61st $250579 1618 14 42 +205,000 / -188,000 -123 $496354
January 2017 78th $223151 1225 49 61 +21,700 / -21,000 +14 $210751
December 2016 89th $231400 582 3 14 +66,000 / -19,400 +254 $231400
November 2016 344th $15200 461 9 13 +27,519 / -35,000 -18 $66501
October 2016 141st $93010 1256 32 39 +46,409 / -21,100 +4 $150128
September 2016 85th $208610 880 9 21 +49,275 / -19,300 +18 $184410
August 2016 60th $245702 1246 2 15 +27,227 / -20,000 +30 $224402
July 2016 66th $288119 1237 19 41 +26,300 / -21,100 +0 $215869
June 2016 1407th $0 1232 25 33 +27,242 / -20,900 -14 $135332
May 2016 2679th $0 638 21 22 +13,200 / -20,000 -35 $32650
April 2016 2143rd $0 458 9 11 +19,400 / -80,923 -119 $106423
March 2016 166th $64173 391 1 5 +20,800 / -18,300 +96 $66709
August 2014 436th $10524 46 5 4 +6,925 / -1,625 +33 $11524
July 2014 2100th $0 21 0 3 +10,450 / -20,000 -71 $20700
June 2014 1156th $1425 20 4 3 +6,175 / -7,750 -304 $7800
October 2013 1042nd $1650 3 0 0 +250 / -50 +50 $1750
September 2013 994th $1700 2 0 0 +225 / -25 +100 $1500
June 2013 786th $5225 74 8 7 +9,651 / -18,000 -112 $19164
May 2013 663rd $7956 690 38 27 +17,578 / -17,400 -75 $32916
April 2013 4094th $0 260 20 14 +20,100 / -19,600 -121 $42564
March 2013 3036th $0 156 26 14 +5,975 / -12,679 -269 $13283
February 2013 363rd $26736 435 3 13 +51,615 / -118,502 +48 $197460
January 2013 2995th $0 2091 39 62 +94,264 / -95,000 -29 $366706
December 2012 561st $13050 25 2 5 +7,450 / -9,075 +342 $13475
November 2012 2286th $900 57 11 3 +4,675 / -6,575 -300 $6575
October 2012 4465th $0 70 11 9 +8,700 / -11,225 -279 $11250
September 2012 625th $10409 151 17 10 +7,901 / -12,802 -120 $15502
August 2012 438th $20400 72 10 4 +20,950 / -19,500 +54 $42200
July 2012 818th $7882 17 1 2 +5,207 / -2,169 +287 $8182
June 2012 604th $13474 350 27 22 +31,500 / -56,628 -82 $62228
May 2012 467th $22632 952 47 38 +26,000 / -39,650 -52 $84650
April 2012 731st $10770 462 36 29 +20,125 / -27,000 -100 $58500
March 2012 226th $68414 554 15 17 +45,000 / -38,000 +80 $116914
February 2012 377th $30252 252 9 11 +23,858 / -31,623 +61 $67223
January 2012 150th $127723 937 14 44 +58,202 / -40,553 +111 $161223
December 2011 400th $27700 690 20 26 +22,350 / -60,604 -5 $76104
November 2011 5870th $0 489 37 22 +8,025 / -9,630 -117 $19730
October 2011 1213th $3625 406 36 18 +8,925 / -13,723 -128 $19822
September 2011 789th $9600 60 0 1 +5,500 / -700 +135 $11300
May 2011 5571st $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
April 2011 5143rd $0 64 6 4 +6,946 / -12,479 -188 $13279
March 2011 6177th $0 1136 72 46 +41,228 / -64,956 -98 $94728
February 2011 463rd $22878 1559 88 88 +32,000 / -75,686 -71 $94686
January 2011 6051st $0 3000 78 73 +110,372 / -102,500 -42 $389610
December 2010 607th $16616 1178 94 66 +54,123 / -60,746 -107 $95246
November 2010 5852nd $0 1292 49 51 +99,500 / -91,000 -58 $267812
October 2010 5062nd $0 988 39 32 +87,800 / -215,591 -61 $352765
September 2010 49th $546370 2347 49 53 +137,793 / -95,500 +201 $599016
August 2010 74th $481761 3013 156 105 +184,000 / -57,647 +81 $486622
July 2010 74th $504709 3242 101 115 +164,720 / -111,000 +96 $505209
June 2010 73rd $513756 1976 0 16 +146,720 / -103,000 +232 $682520
May 2010 67th $621792 2431 117 85 +126,000 / -96,500 +178 $622792
April 2010 5555th $0 2178 149 117 +256,295 / -370,000 -103 $452590
March 2010 6753rd $0 2176 108 85 +85,500 / -88,000 -75 $238142
February 2010 48th $773523 2454 70 73 +143,072 / -110,000 +276 $1207523
January 2010 25th $1772013 3112 39 57 +203,000 / -105,000 +553 $1774513
December 2009 7296th $0 4991 166 157 +104,815 / -101,000 -86 $411953
November 2009 36th $1003059 3727 34 66 +205,000 / -105,500 +274 $1239461
October 2009 81st $712264 5452 194 189 +144,454 / -103,500 +72 $645764
September 2009 20th $1885125 4090 86 105 +550,000 / -99,000 +421 $1395125
August 2009 84th $736614 3229 89 106 +138,500 / -52,000 +187 $744703
July 2009 87th $742580 2988 14 64 +125,000 / -106,000 +248 $747580
June 2009 5839th $0 2998 101 103 +49,950 / -72,390 -51 $172554
May 2009 85th $741980 4241 47 108 +134,000 / -81,000 +160 $655822
April 2009 9352nd $0 5137 95 142 +129,840 / -111,500 -18 $320622
March 2009 61st $1003554 3508 0 44 +187,000 / -103,500 +225 $1270594
February 2009 102nd $702629 2473 34 65 +102,500 / -96,000 +266 $703029
January 2009 85th $732039 2348 45 54 +131,000 / -26,100 +282 $629264
December 2008 86th $735684 2409 0 40 +57,900 / -53,349 +307 $775483
November 2008 8324th $0 1831 7 28 +103,000 / -369,263 -7 $558513
October 2008 1496th $6050 361 14 10 +5,975 / -8,950 -50 $13650
September 2008 4064th $250 24 4 0 +150 / -1,450 -302 $1450
August 2008 2123rd $3490 1574 12 30 +61,200 / -50,000 -10 $168546
July 2008 105th $599499 3410 82 0 +107,000 / -47,200 +176 $599499
June 2008 11128th $0 5041 41 0 +197,581 / -377,662 +0 $473106
May 2008 2454th $3102 11335 240 0 +235,000 / -196,557 +0 $590316
April 2008 861st $21850 5061 124 0 +40,025 / -41,325 +4 $137964
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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