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Bet you didnt know that, well its true, but it aint, cause i made it up. Who said that? Probably my political opponents, and they dont give a rrriiip about alabama
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Eznav wrote
at 10:52 AM, Monday March 9, 2009 EDT
1987 was the year, Marius with no Fear. Picking up Rocks and throwing them at Hawks. Getting Older and Bolder, with a Duck on his Shoulder. Stumbles upon K-Dice, he thought it was Nice, digs into his Pocket, calls up Davie Crockett. Starts rolling them Dice, without thinking Twice. Quack! went the Duck, when he licked it for Luck. Strikes the table with Flavor always having good Behavior. Waves his arms like Salt Shakers, he Stacks high like Skyscrapers. You better gain Marius's Trust or you'll be Kicking up Dust. This is a Must...
Carlisle wrote
at 10:58 AM, Saturday January 10, 2009 EST
Hey, who's that in your avatar?
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