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Replies 1 - 8 of 8
Ievusia wrote
at 8:26 AM, Thursday January 15, 2009 EST
Good player xDp
Abigaile wrote
at 4:05 AM, Tuesday August 5, 2008 EDT
can you tell me anyone in kdice who is nicer then you? :)
BoxCars wrote
at 1:39 PM, Monday August 4, 2008 EDT
Please forgive me. I didn't realize I attacked you so hard. Next time u see me, u can kill me, as punishment.
Abigaile wrote
at 3:35 AM, Sunday July 6, 2008 EDT
well,thanks :)
BoxCars wrote
at 6:29 PM, Saturday July 5, 2008 EDT
Er, *you*, you have won. I normally don't give this awards to myself. Ok I do, but it's a private ceremony.
BoxCars wrote
at 6:19 PM, Saturday July 5, 2008 EDT
I have won the Golden Hammock Award for coolest kdice fruit picture. Please wait for the paint on the hammock to dry before touching.
Ievusia wrote
at 8:25 AM, Tuesday June 3, 2008 EDT
Labai fainas ¾mogutis. myliu :>
Abigaile wrote
at 12:07 PM, Monday June 2, 2008 EDT
hello.comment me
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