Level 22
to level 23


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Nightly Remix
2009-09-05 00:00:00.0
21st $0 9 0 0 -50 / -400 -167 $1500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
October 2016 736th $2475 9 0 0 +550 / -50 +106 $2550
March 2016 1582nd $0 10 1 0 +500 / -1,775 -299 $1800
August 2015 784th $2650 72 1 5 +4,675 / -4,425 -80 $6825
July 2014 418th $9375 109 0 7 +4,550 / -4,825 +72 $10075
June 2014 1595th $0 1 1 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
May 2014 237th $28387 178 0 10 +13,650 / -4,850 +151 $31100
April 2014 442nd $12200 133 1 5 +10,575 / -5,000 +69 $16700
March 2014 2310th $0 27 3 1 +10,325 / -4,950 -222 $14150
February 2014 595th $7950 38 0 1 +4,425 / -3,350 +170 $9700
December 2013 1536th $1350 2 0 0 -50 / -100 -75 $1500
November 2013 1520th $1450 4 1 0 -50 / -1,400 -388 $1500
October 2013 881st $3000 3 0 0 +1,600 / -50 +500 $3100
September 2013 1596th $1450 71 7 1 +2,075 / -2,600 -149 $5100
August 2013 881st $3650 137 10 6 +8,475 / -5,000 -94 $16975
July 2013 2801st $0 113 11 1 +2,900 / -4,325 -159 $4625
April 2013 1229th $1795 111 3 5 +12,650 / -15,200 -38 $25125
March 2013 641st $10100 40 0 2 +5,475 / -200 +215 $10975
February 2013 506th $15739 31 0 2 +8,750 / -801 +459 $15789
January 2013 2559th $0 10 2 0 -25 / -1,500 -450 $1500
November 2012 4385th $0 20 3 2 +2,475 / -4,850 -300 $4850
October 2012 3598th $0 5 2 0 +600 / -2,100 -900 $2100
September 2012 3158th $0 428 5 26 +15,346 / -12,000 -21 $54750
August 2012 4173rd $0 96 8 7 +4,362 / -4,925 -141 $8054
February 2012 2634th $1450 17 2 1 +2,575 / -2,800 -180 $5100
January 2012 5665th $0 6 1 0 +75 / -1,450 -500 $1500
December 2011 1011th $6061 10 1 1 +4,449 / -1,500 +306 $6111
October 2011 4474th $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,100 -500 $1500
September 2011 1593rd $1857 42 4 0 +1,200 / -1,750 -134 $2100
August 2011 3995th $0 10 0 0 +1,550 / -2,300 -150 $2350
July 2011 5759th $0 284 6 9 +22,400 / -19,200 -37 $47588
June 2011 3769th $0 205 9 17 +10,625 / -15,534 -80 $25384
May 2011 4662nd $0 398 31 17 +15,583 / -20,000 -125 $30566
April 2011 3862nd $0 226 26 8 +13,450 / -10,649 -179 $16625
March 2011 5125th $0 49 5 3 +4,353 / -14,087 -183 $14087
February 2011 2699th $1450 2 2 0 -50 / -1,500 -775 $1500
January 2011 1741st $2150 117 15 2 +3,700 / -4,266 -187 $8482
December 2010 7300th $0 650 23 33 +17,602 / -19,400 -78 $81911
November 2010 6276th $0 389 29 14 +9,774 / -9,100 -116 $15652
October 2010 166th $118268 1177 23 54 +42,332 / -20,000 +70 $122268
September 2010 3685th $0 97 13 5 +4,450 / -4,950 -217 $9375
August 2010 5206th $0 525 11 4 +23,500 / -18,500 -34 $65300
July 2010 598th $15658 463 25 26 +9,975 / -13,684 -53 $16558
April 2010 5332nd $0 804 46 45 +16,700 / -23,500 -89 $34550
March 2010 5547th $0 142 7 7 +4,975 / -6,683 -84 $12608
February 2010 7578th $0 535 9 20 +39,300 / -20,000 -28 $98495
December 2009 8264th $0 525 23 19 +9,558 / -9,086 -69 $27743
November 2009 5869th $0 43 5 0 +1,250 / -2,475 -209 $2600
October 2009 5357th $0 99 7 7 +16,299 / -8,200 -121 $30874
September 2009 9365th $0 3490 36 103 +53,500 / -63,000 -16 $230359
August 2009 163rd $171202 3577 94 135 +70,453 / -49,000 +6 $251960
July 2009 6928th $0 2380 67 94 +35,266 / -45,100 -43 $82085
June 2009 8960th $0 2254 66 54 +60,200 / -87,500 -45 $183112
May 2009 2530th $1750 2913 86 137 +40,416 / -36,000 -49 $82511
April 2009 9609th $0 760 33 29 +9,625 / -32,200 -67 $35222
March 2009 9736th $0 303 13 11 +5,750 / -4,700 -69 $18900
February 2009 473rd $47905 975 4 28 +40,000 / -20,900 +59 $121293
January 2009 6554th $0 23 5 0 +225 / -1,450 -391 $1500
December 2008 6186th $0 242 3 4 +6,975 / -5,000 -25 $13325
October 2008 10496th $0 1620 47 74 +9,862 / -35,115 -46 $63144
September 2008 4709th $0 832 32 19 +43,500 / -69,418 -59 $83250
August 2008 10258th $0 1741 58 62 +27,593 / -17,686 -51 $59991
July 2008 11818th $0 1627 88 0 +38,282 / -66,000 +0 $76564
June 2008 729th $21504 2864 77 0 +19,800 / -15,200 +8 $82131
May 2008 8528th $0 1536 76 0 +17,700 / -91,500 +0 $97109
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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