Level 60
to level 61


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll
2011-07-27 00:00:00.0
7th $0 12 0 0 -25 / -325 -125 $1500
Europe Freeroll
2011-07-24 00:00:00.0
9th $0 18 0 0 +800 / -400 -83 $1500
Europe Freeroll
2011-04-17 00:00:00.0
23rd $0 7 0 1 +225 / -1,200 -214 $1800
Mini Freeroll 2
2011-04-16 00:00:00.0
14th $0 11 0 0 -25 / -400 -136 $1500
Europe Freeroll Noch
2011-03-24 00:00:00.0
26th $0 14 0 0 -25 / -200 -104 $1450
Lunedi 20k
2011-03-21 00:00:00.0
5th $0 16 0 0 +1,225 / -1,425 -94 $3650
Europe Freeroll Noch
2011-03-19 00:00:00.0
36th $0 9 0 0 +300 / -1,300 -167 $1625
Europe Freeroll Noch
2010-11-15 00:00:00.0
46th $0 2 0 0 -150 / -1,350 -750 $1500
Europe Freeroll Noch
2010-11-14 00:00:00.0
5th $4000 38 0 5 +5,100 / -9,650 -39 $15250
Friday Fives
2010-11-12 00:00:00.0
23rd $0 23 0 0 +225 / -200 -65 $1500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
June 2012 2698th $0 15 1 0 +1,600 / -1,450 -200 $2525
April 2012 4309th $0 8 0 1 +4,000 / -5,000 -188 $5300
March 2012 4007th $0 13 1 2 +1,350 / -1,950 -231 $2600
January 2012 5369th $0 15 1 1 +1,735 / -3,110 -200 $3185
August 2011 5781st $0 134 17 10 +7,950 / -14,500 -201 $15500
July 2011 5040th $0 144 23 8 +5,250 / -13,300 -250 $13300
June 2011 3607th $0 114 3 8 +62,190 / -196,500 -52 $326000
May 2011 3532nd $0 121 11 11 +44,500 / -86,500 -149 $86500
April 2011 4002nd $0 248 3 14 +92,500 / -223,000 -24 $398140
March 2011 5797th $0 356 19 24 +35,000 / -116,500 -28 $137000
February 2011 4914th $0 37 9 4 +2,300 / -3,050 -405 $6825
December 2010 3642nd $0 68 5 6 +4,075 / -5,000 -132 $6650
November 2010 2581st $1500 777 56 58 +7,556 / -16,900 -108 $31100
October 2010 3569th $0 164 22 8 +10,325 / -10,600 -210 $16175
September 2010 3666th $0 61 8 7 +5,125 / -11,921 -221 $12700
August 2010 1435th $3125 45 5 4 +6,100 / -14,000 -130 $19725
July 2010 4993rd $0 617 33 34 +117,200 / -78,000 -81 $174900
June 2010 5590th $0 541 5 10 +206,000 / -298,500 -88 $554386
May 2010 49th $725000 192 8 10 +338,000 / -122,000 +3,706 $823000
April 2010 2nd $20815000 3920 36 60 +2,060,000 / -1,140,000 +5,306 $21675000
March 2010 5421st $0 66 17 1 +1,800 / -3,450 -409 $3450
February 2010 8356th $0 493 39 26 +22,400 / -17,068 -128 $33450
January 2010 5760th $0 2850 28 27 +551,000 / -555,000 -144 $1936500
December 2009 6175th $0 453 42 22 +13,100 / -18,200 -143 $26100
November 2009 7197th $0 566 13 15 +144,485 / -183,970 -178 $460055
October 2009 8063rd $0 1536 73 58 +102,500 / -100,000 -31 $359750
September 2009 5304th $0 2524 98 89 +152,500 / -385,511 -105 $990000
August 2009 7006th $0 348 25 13 +59,200 / -24,000 -105 $117140
July 2009 63rd $889659 1385 54 62 +480,804 / -80,000 +592 $1006000
June 2009 19th $1630000 3346 10 34 +140,000 / -102,000 +485 $1840500
May 2009 49th $1000000 5133 41 52 +447,122 / -642,500 +193 $2407000
April 2009 52nd $1007500 3479 30 75 +135,500 / -432,500 +166 $1885300
March 2009 3504th $1500 1642 99 103 +28,810 / -105,800 -110 $108800
February 2009 25th $2118000 2355 10 40 +182,115 / -99,000 +902 $2131174
January 2009 8391st $0 1089 67 55 +29,034 / -20,000 -82 $81075
December 2008 57th $1000000 2963 20 108 +100,500 / -20,150 +320 $1039550
November 2008 10183rd $0 1244 55 60 +62,936 / -85,331 -182 $281950
October 2008 6518th $0 3612 17 113 +103,000 / -299,096 -7 $699944
September 2008 4971st $0 3674 41 165 +46,500 / -204,282 -20 $260283
August 2008 10733rd $0 667 21 25 +8,850 / -26,027 -49 $39493
July 2008 11975th $0 8072 47 0 +38,200 / -55,000 +0 $220054
June 2008 498th $33341 3911 43 0 +44,950 / -41,700 +9 $197363
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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