Level 62
to level 63


Overview Stats Wall Reviews About

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Friday Fives
Jul 8, 11
2nd $62,495 44 0 6 +7,925 / -17,875 -34 $23,900
Final 50k
Apr 30, 11
7th $72,000 44 0 4 +3,975 / -4,400 -34 $7,375
Friday Fives
Apr 15, 11
29th $0 7 0 0 +150 / -1,425 -214 $1,800
2500 Daily
Apr 3, 11
8th $0 26 0 0 +2,750 / -800 -58 $4,900
2500 Daily
Jan 30, 11
33rd $0 6 0 0 +200 / -1,475 -250 $1,575
2500 Daily
Jan 2, 11
59th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
2500 Daily
Sep 12, 10
22nd $0 16 0 1 +1,375 / -1,775 -94 $2,575
2500 Daily
Jul 25, 10
46th $0 6 0 0 +125 / -1,475 -250 $1,625
2500 Daily
Jul 18, 10
2nd $36,300 54 0 1 +16,276 / -31,574 -28 $36,374
2500 Daily
Jul 17, 10
9th $0 31 0 2 +1,725 / -2,450 -48 $4,625

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
July 2021 432nd $1,550 3 0 0 +200 / -100 +16 $1,700
August 2018 275th $22,000 3 0 3 +8,700 / -10,150 -500 $10,150
January 2018 1,081st $0 6 0 1 +1,225 / -2,025 -499 $2,675
January 2013 1,447th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
December 2012 1,971st $1,450 1 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1,500
November 2012 1,786th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2012 2,143rd $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2012 735th $11,943 179 5 11 +9,800 / -14,860 +16 $23,943
December 2011 2,765th $1,400 2 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1,500
September 2011 2,318th $1,475 283 9 16 +9,405 / -16,355 -48 $19,531
August 2011 1,857th $1,500 4 0 0 -50 / -1,050 -375 $1,500
July 2011 12th $1,445,988 1,592 8 23 +211,000 / -68,000 +864 $1,457,738
June 2011 2,521st $1,475 1 0 0 -25 / -25 -25 $1,500
May 2011 1,817th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2011 3,899th $0 3,161 32 54 +296,238 / -145,000 -20 $679,884
March 2011 14th $1,750,282 1,099 4 11 +545,000 / -215,000 +1,586 $1,757,782
February 2011 4,811th $0 890 1 22 +51,000 / -61,990 -3 $232,805
January 2011 14th $1,737,334 3,907 2 41 +437,500 / -98,000 +445 $1,741,034
December 2010 12th $1,845,172 2,520 3 46 +475,000 / -111,000 +730 $1,873,684
November 2010 2,829th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2010 35th $722,474 3,288 5 43 +227,000 / -100,000 +218 $1,368,424
August 2010 2,253rd $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
July 2010 21st $1,643,324 4,770 3 51 +148,736 / -129,000 +338 $1,644,324
June 2010 28th $1,049,148 3,202 0 53 +154,000 / -99,163 +310 $1,061,068
April 2010 14th $1,709,197 3,584 13 68 +200,000 / -108,000 +467 $1,715,997
March 2010 16th $2,159,329 3,820 5 68 +320,000 / -129,500 +485 $1,748,331
February 2010 25th $1,587,687 3,101 1 52 +127,950 / -89,500 +488 $1,588,187
January 2010 35th $1,132,084 3,790 3 43 +115,763 / -96,500 +299 $1,430,962
December 2009 27th $1,836,600 3,569 0 65 +163,000 / -81,000 +510 $1,871,600
November 2009 47th $865,223 3,122 6 62 +119,000 / -80,000 +274 $974,123
October 2009 26th $1,725,424 4,173 6 64 +215,000 / -100,000 +411 $1,743,924
September 2009 33rd $1,011,504 3,379 17 53 +146,000 / -99,000 +291 $1,013,004
July 2009 30th $1,434,587 4,911 1 60 +221,000 / -93,500 +292 $1,506,751
June 2009 24th $1,531,403 5,551 13 87 +134,000 / -99,000 +272 $1,565,854
April 2009 47th $1,053,048 4,352 32 63 +102,000 / -96,500 +228 $1,081,185
March 2009 70th $940,022 4,080 14 76 +56,000 / -81,863 +226 $942,122
February 2009 56th $990,670 3,965 9 58 +135,000 / -46,000 +246 $1,074,070
January 2009 604th $39,673 4,380 38 75 +105,500 / -99,000 -4 $396,011
December 2008 30th $1,648,860 4,861 38 104 +267,388 / -105,000 +327 $1,662,060
November 2008 36th $1,316,445 2,904 0 60 +99,500 / -50,451 +425 $1,407,696
October 2008 34th $1,257,273 4,326 150 139 +392,500 / -384,817 +238 $1,293,615
September 2008 15th $2,372,504 5,512 15 102 +348,000 / -70,000 +426 $2,386,504
August 2008 7,062nd $0 3,359 40 87 +68,700 / -203,586 -19 $291,246
July 2008 1,524th $7,000 632 34 0 +10,750 / -7,625 +11 $28,168
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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