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« First ‹ Previous Replies 11 - 20 of 51 Next › Last »
superxchloe wrote
at 11:22 PM, Sunday March 7, 2010 EST
no problem. there's no reason for people to be attacking you when you're not around to defend yourself. ♥
Mustang wrote
at 2:37 AM, Thursday March 4, 2010 EST
Hey Holy, well, i dont know if u can do anything there, but, ill give it a try :-)
I bought the Boost for March now, and i didnt receive 2,5k. I bought it on 1st March, and yet i didnt get +2,5k... well... i emailed ryan, but no response, and im kinda pissed this site screws me. U know anything to do?
superxchloe wrote
at 6:57 PM, Saturday February 27, 2010 EST
so why are you from canada?
Mustang wrote
at 9:35 AM, Thursday February 18, 2010 EST
Hey sweetheart! Im here, just took a short trip to spain but now im back for the action :-)
Lookin forward meeting you on the tables!
Mustang wrote
at 1:47 PM, Sunday January 10, 2010 EST
Aw, you are so sweet, honey :-)
Holly Molly wrote
at 10:03 PM, Friday January 8, 2010 EST
This is funny :

holyharlequin: did you just flag to a planet?
These cards suck: at least i didn't flag to uranus
Rabid Womble wrote
at 10:48 AM, Wednesday January 6, 2010 EST
Errr read the rules they say

Do not use pornography avatars
Do not harrass people
Do not use hate language or avatars
Do not be insane

It's your job to enforce those rules, so I shall expect a ban in the next 24 hours. Otherwise I may have to send a carrier pigeon to Ryan detailing your failure to up hold the rules.
Rabid Womble wrote
at 12:19 PM, Tuesday January 5, 2010 EST
I am not funny, I am a deeply disturbed individual. Ban me now before it's too late!

(I think bunnies are fish that's clear proof of my mental state.)
Rabid Womble wrote
at 6:45 AM, Sunday January 3, 2010 EST
Bannnnnn me! I'm a menace, I need to be stopped and you are the only one who can do it.

Do it or your fish get it.
Rabid Womble wrote
at 5:06 PM, Saturday January 2, 2010 EST
Happy New Year to the worlds greatest advisor, can you ban me now please!
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