Level 42
to level 43

Christophe B

Overview Stats Wall Reviews About

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 1
2019-10-06 16:00:04.0
18th $0 11 0 0 +1,350 / -1,550 -137 $22623
Europe Freeroll Finale
2019-09-05 09:00:04.0
2nd $15000 68 0 4 +2,625 / -4,400 -38 $36539
Final 100k
2017-03-31 18:00:08.0
5th $152000 32 0 0 +1,200 / -2,150 -51 $443595
Mini Freeroll 1
2017-03-28 16:00:03.0
12th $0 17 0 1 +2,100 / -3,750 -89 $452195
Mini Freeroll 1
2017-03-27 16:00:03.0
5th $0 15 0 0 +200 / -400 -96 $450295
Mini Freeroll 1
2017-03-26 16:00:05.0
30th $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $420770
2500 Daily Reprise
2017-03-26 15:00:07.0
2nd $32250 47 0 2 +9,325 / -9,850 -43 $434595
Daily 5k Reprise
2017-03-25 17:00:06.0
22nd $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $418670
Mini Freeroll 1
2017-03-25 16:00:08.0
5th $0 27 0 0 +4,675 / -6,150 -59 $420845
Mini Freeroll 1
2017-03-09 16:00:02.0
21st $0 6 0 0 +625 / -1,350 -249 $269129

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
November 2019 405th $5225 21 0 0 +850 / -2,225 -12 $6425
October 2019 269th $12953 180 3 7 +21,025 / -6,734 -28 $30925
September 2019 154th $52514 214 0 2 +23,544 / -12,300 +22 $53314
February 2019 394th $3500 16 3 0 +1,100 / -1,612 -151 $3500
December 2018 540th $2100 39 1 1 +2,400 / -3,575 -63 $6550
November 2018 732nd $675 8 0 0 +0 / -4,900 -727 $5900
October 2018 478th $2950 178 0 3 +10,600 / -8,136 -83 $21879
July 2018 278th $17500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
March 2018 337th $11911 47 0 4 +5,287 / -3,000 +193 $21011
February 2018 232nd $28800 72 0 0 +5,700 / -20,300 -228 $52600
April 2017 1479th $0 381 1 7 +44,800 / -65,000 -156 $125871
March 2017 34th $467895 3746 10 44 +116,000 / -96,000 -2 $497395
February 2017 1322nd $0 5868 28 66 +92,000 / -106,250 -11 $304830
January 2017 73rd $234428 8412 96 129 +95,000 / -85,500 +0 $277833
December 2016 385th $12862 1250 36 23 +35,000 / -36,950 -1 $83450
August 2013 1084th $1725 24 3 0 +550 / -1,800 -178 $2050
September 2012 3346th $0 21 3 1 +1,900 / -4,125 -286 $4600
August 2012 343rd $29347 132 1 5 +16,022 / -9,547 +200 $44694
June 2012 593rd $13966 127 13 13 +6,491 / -11,605 -55 $14041
May 2012 1220th $3800 461 17 20 +18,050 / -22,100 -50 $36700
April 2012 949th $6450 326 8 14 +9,450 / -12,136 -22 $32889
March 2012 346th $36186 335 9 18 +19,400 / -22,500 +63 $53386
February 2012 2590th $1450 732 31 18 +18,851 / -9,021 -64 $35702
January 2012 124th $236769 1507 3 31 +101,500 / -100,000 +153 $274352
December 2011 2670th $1450 756 50 28 +19,700 / -18,400 -99 $48931
November 2011 4703rd $0 785 12 12 +39,000 / -34,000 -25 $173632
October 2011 3268th $0 30 5 0 +1,250 / -1,525 -300 $2400
September 2011 3587th $0 224 16 11 +8,750 / -13,350 -114 $25350
August 2011 290th $42552 436 9 14 +21,925 / -21,800 +40 $74552
July 2011 384th $29670 267 5 11 +19,700 / -14,575 +78 $39875
June 2011 2740th $1350 1040 67 47 +22,020 / -21,428 -92 $31505
May 2011 2928th $876 2106 21 38 +141,976 / -176,192 -12 $598142
April 2011 918th $7800 2047 27 76 +93,000 / -100,000 -16 $313218
March 2011 76th $494236 1874 35 52 +101,055 / -23,000 +235 $494436
February 2011 323rd $35775 1164 53 53 +24,828 / -20,500 -40 $54552
January 2011 638th $16967 1913 32 58 +53,444 / -88,000 -17 $168669
December 2010 176th $122588 2525 121 89 +89,169 / -24,000 -26 $174838
November 2010 48th $594205 4310 44 86 +143,000 / -143,500 +122 $597205
October 2010 81st $445007 3553 110 97 +185,500 / -67,512 +78 $461551
September 2010 63rd $469403 2272 34 52 +113,000 / -53,452 +184 $470403
August 2010 96th $420050 931 25 30 +123,000 / -13,800 +409 $441200
July 2010 4329th $0 215 10 14 +10,075 / -4,925 -77 $15999
June 2010 1660th $2196 398 8 24 +11,546 / -18,500 -29 $35977
May 2010 326th $41412 515 23 33 +50,220 / -49,000 +11 $91672
April 2010 4926th $0 188 18 10 +5,825 / -9,000 -152 $19292
March 2010 7953rd $0 649 13 20 +26,000 / -80,918 -32 $152931
February 2010 151st $160051 2001 12 57 +115,219 / -87,500 +78 $231469
January 2010 3331st $1500 2722 70 113 +90,500 / -379,312 -40 $460812
December 2009 30th $1123380 1550 2 32 +192,000 / -123,500 +722 $1180380
November 2009 10109th $0 1190 35 37 +30,000 / -98,500 -45 $127850
October 2009 5433rd $0 1832 12 65 +104,359 / -103,000 -11 $348068
September 2009 736th $20937 269 3 13 +14,121 / -15,067 +55 $45296
August 2009 58th $875383 1003 23 26 +378,400 / -70,960 +837 $898483
July 2009 7188th $0 731 4 13 +28,000 / -40,174 -10 $73448
June 2009 2996th $1500 1478 40 48 +37,000 / -57,274 -42 $155774
May 2009 10431st $0 1638 27 44 +44,150 / -61,173 -26 $206852
April 2009 283rd $87897 751 2 18 +46,292 / -94,000 +111 $157692
March 2009 2200th $3870 413 15 32 +12,200 / -19,000 -49 $41404
February 2009 1553rd $8486 452 7 27 +7,598 / -27,500 -8 $39238
January 2009 125th $492581 2857 1 123 +120,000 / -92,762 +175 $519343
December 2008 9999th $0 2802 7 136 +19,100 / -28,800 -4 $70193
November 2008 807th $23496 2828 19 184 +27,000 / -23,410 -2 $95476
October 2008 5826th $0 1222 18 65 +32,700 / -91,245 -23 $111245
September 2008 7819th $0 3658 22 176 +72,900 / -40,000 -9 $290018
August 2008 5351st $0 288 7 29 +12,377 / -14,993 -62 $32539
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary