Level 29
to level 30


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Nightly Remix
Jun 4, 21
16th $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $3,975
Europe Freeroll
May 28, 21
1st $25,000 60 0 6 +9,540 / -9,157 +310 $389,562
Thursday 50k
May 27, 21
7th $0 16 0 0 +1,550 / -1,725 -96 $284,072
lynn may 10k
May 25, 21
14th $0 2 0 0 +0 / -900 -750 $257,422
Mini Freeroll 1
May 24, 21
16th $0 11 0 0 +0 / -400 -134 $589,997
Daily 5k
May 21, 21
21st $0 6 0 0 +100 / -1,050 -249 $731,372
Taeglich 5k
May 21, 21
8th $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $738,672
Mini Freeroll 2
May 20, 21
13th $0 27 0 0 +500 / -2,025 -60 $696,972
Taeglich 5k
May 20, 21
13th $0 4 0 0 +0 / -770 -375 $352,072
Europe Freeroll
May 20, 21
12th $0 16 0 1 +1,550 / -2,525 -95 $291,072

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
January 2022 532nd $1,275 70 0 5 +4,925 / -25,500 -471 $40,100
June 2021 555th $1,250 100 4 5 +11,225 / -11,175 -48 $22,450
May 2021 1,012th $0 1,712 0 5 +162,782 / -450,090 -250 $924,022
December 2018 381st $7,400 193 0 8 +99,000 / -67,115 -721 $218,300
November 2018 628th $1,500 35 0 1 +9,150 / -19,000 -436 $19,400
October 2018 342nd $9,902 118 3 9 +23,224 / -143,000 -632 $146,800
February 2017 207th $38,900 47 1 0 +2,400 / -5,400 -56 $42,200
May 2016 1,799th $0 29 1 0 +1,425 / -3,200 -148 $3,200
January 2014 245th $36,313 70 1 9 +40,684 / -13,299 +476 $54,112
November 2013 1,423rd $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2013 992nd $2,025 62 3 3 +6,075 / -13,750 -64 $14,475
September 2013 239th $38,100 221 7 10 +4,350 / -5,600 -34 $45,000
June 2013 548th $10,975 13 0 2 +7,175 / -550 +729 $11,425
December 2012 355th $28,242 142 0 10 +9,112 / -2,600 +189 $27,042
November 2012 1,020th $4,500 28 1 1 +3,200 / -2,200 +54 $4,800
October 2012 863rd $6,175 169 9 6 +3,400 / -4,875 -88 $6,650
September 2012 73rd $342,271 1,433 1 38 +84,000 / -96,000 +211 $373,171
August 2012 276th $41,267 536 2 24 +33,790 / -24,000 +57 $91,655
July 2012 964th $5,673 195 0 11 +34,261 / -20,800 +21 $47,398
May 2012 2,365th $1,450 18 2 0 +1,550 / -2,775 -169 $3,025
April 2012 1,755th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
March 2012 1,174th $4,750 8 1 0 +3,175 / -1,500 +219 $6,250
January 2012 2,042nd $1,500 23 3 1 +3,950 / -5,200 -261 $5,450
December 2011 2,672nd $1,450 850 38 40 +39,550 / -71,000 -84 $107,830
November 2011 4,278th $0 2,223 122 169 +38,300 / -127,551 -124 $321,446
February 2011 827th $8,975 50 2 4 +4,350 / -1,475 +90 $9,375
December 2010 936th $7,450 72 4 5 +4,700 / -4,950 -1 $12,525
August 2010 2,798th $1,500 298 21 18 +4,826 / -11,725 -145 $12,516
July 2010 2,638th $1,500 1,204 31 49 +88,803 / -69,800 -82 $261,628
June 2010 1,027th $7,250 1,529 53 73 +20,400 / -20,200 -66 $55,144
May 2010 2,838th $1,500 1,574 39 71 +104,500 / -86,483 -99 $243,891
April 2010 2,474th $1,500 1,192 24 56 +72,092 / -69,892 -70 $114,547
March 2010 3,014th $1,500 422 19 22 +12,575 / -17,000 -101 $26,500
February 2010 2,802nd $1,500 4 0 0 +1,575 / -2,975 -375 $3,075
January 2010 3,062nd $1,500 43 3 2 +3,450 / -5,250 -209 $5,250
December 2009 5,800th $0 13 3 0 +2,525 / -3,725 -577 $3,725
November 2009 2,664th $1,500 101 6 6 +7,900 / -4,950 -282 $15,800
October 2009 2,798th $1,500 41 6 0 +3,250 / -4,800 -475 $6,425
September 2009 2,578th $1,500 190 6 11 +42,923 / -75,721 -208 $97,721
August 2009 2,350th $1,575 5,573 73 280 +156,500 / -313,121 -74 $606,080
July 2009 8,363rd $0 4,747 256 357 +295,603 / -425,000 -98 $762,244
June 2009 6,054th $0 152 24 33 +68,240 / -98,000 -125 $104,860
May 2009 7,904th $0 26 4 1 +5,650 / -4,450 -404 $7,150
April 2009 8,036th $0 7 3 0 +1,525 / -2,950 -857 $3,025
March 2009 3,556th $1,500 170 16 33 +16,825 / -19,200 -272 $31,119
February 2009 3,440th $1,500 192 26 27 +36,880 / -77,673 -244 $86,023
January 2009 8,326th $0 1,120 49 112 +22,600 / -66,478 -59 $75,478
December 2008 3,584th $1,500 1,685 132 107 +98,000 / -99,000 -127 $264,333
November 2008 2,968th $1,500 2,788 214 174 +188,000 / -270,955 -138 $347,692
October 2008 2,996th $1,500 1,651 137 102 +325,990 / -160,000 -130 $788,085
September 2008 7,723rd $0 1,578 138 134 +22,608 / -36,383 -147 $50,108
August 2008 2,084th $3,674 522 26 45 +10,658 / -12,200 -71 $35,564
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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