Level 32
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JonasAlCaponasTake off this faded apron baby, put on my sunday best.
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Reviews 1 - 3 of 3
2011-04-07 JonasAlCaponas wrote: "Thanks for proving my point! :) You just can't turn down a chance to pretend you're the smartest person on a free poker site, eh? With every self-serving essay you write you're just wishing and hoping someone on here will see your "genius" term-papers and say, "Duurrrp, well, golly-gee Oakcliff, you sure do know a'buncha fanshy smanshy werds an' stuff!" Nobody's impressed with your illusions of trying to save the world one pretentious review after the other. If you want to do us all a favor, try getting cancer and dying! :D Enjoy your pedestal." :D? Really? Get that weak stuff outta here. And by the way, you are welcome for "proving your point." I know you are lonely and need my support, and I am happy to provide it. Yours in Christ, etc. ++++++++++ 2011-04-05 JonasAlCaponas wrote: "Wow, saw your review in the forum. Enjoy the sound of your own voice much...?" ++++++++++ Really--"Wow"? Ah, JonasAC is so lonely that he goes through the forums looking for players to review in order to have some kind of connection with others. Magnanimously, I will respond. Does the policeman "enjoy" arresting criminals? Does the health inspector "enjoy" giving restaurants failing grades? Does the high school teacher "enjoy" failing a student? Does the garbage man "enjoy" picking up the trash? I suggest that while they all have pride in doing a job well, the answer is "No, they do not enjoy those things." Why do them then? Because some of us are compelled to make life better rather than worse. Pseudo-hipsters (like JonasAC) can posture and play at pseudo-philosophy and pseudo-art; others do their duty. It is immature and poor manners and poor breeding to snark about those who make life better for us. But snark away, lonely boy. We mature folks understand that there will always be kids like you. Thankfully, we are big enough to ignore the gnats like JonasAlCaponas (note: gnats NOT gadflies--gadflies are a good thing; Socrates was a gadfly not a gnat). Again magnanimously, I truly hope this makes JonasAlCaponas feel better, not worse. Rude pseudo-hipster is a step above chat jerk and web boy, and pseudo-hipster posturing is always amusing. Still, real hipsters don't bother writing reviews on Kdice or Gpokr--they don't even PLAY on Kdice or Gpokr. JonasAlCaponas knows this and feels shame and lashes out as best he can which is none to well.
oakcliff on Thursday April 7, 2011 what a boring life you must have, to write more about yourself and cry the entire time because you are not the spotlight in no ones world but your on.
gtmnow on Friday September 10, 2010 moron
4. on Monday January 4, 2010 |