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restored +chat +post kellykellymoore 2:38 PM, Monday January 17, 2011 EST
gazster: well tbh you cant play this site with out swearing like your a cunt because it sucks bad play get rewarded ask del and tbh i dont care if kelly here or not peb your still a cunt and what kelly going to ban me ? then she needs to ban every other fucker *Dont Be Mad*: ty Robinc4959: laters merhoops: i blame isis kellykellymoore: sigh "pebble": no need Delboy71: gg nh "pebble": nh pc PATTIE CAKES: sorry peb "pebble": np PATTIE CAKES: ty Robinc4959 has left gazster: look on forum about a month ppl posted about you being out of order kellykellymoore: gaz....that word is acceptable in some places but in others it is still considered very offensive... gazster: nothing gone done about that "pebble": and of course u belive them gazster: well im starting to see it gazster: and kelly ? "pebble": so what is it exactly i have done? kellykellymoore: if you have issues with someone why not sort them out without using all of that trash talk... gazster: just being you "pebble": i asked u to stop swearing gazster: but why ? kellykellymoore: why? gazster: what wrong with swearing ? kellykellymoore: because this is an all ages site "pebble": becaurse there were 2 ladies at the table merhoops: makes u feel like a man? gazster: pebble is a cunt lalalala gazster: pebble is a cunt lalalala gazster: pebble is a cunt lalalala gazster: pebble is a cunt lalalala Delboy71: fold hoops Delboy71: ok i wont moo merhoops: i have 77 Delboy71: AAA "pebble": gaz your so childish merhoops: nice Delboy71: ty gazster: and your such a ..... gazster: pebble is a cunt lalalala kellykellymoore: gaz... gazster: yes? kellykellymoore: really? is that what you want? merhoops: things will get better in high school...dont worry gazster: what ? gazster: a c?**T? gazster: nah peb here I tried to reason with him and explain why this is unacceptable...kept on and on... take a break. -chat -post kellykellymoore 2:26 PM, Monday January 17, 2011 EST

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chased a gutshot straight calling pot sized bets... and hit of course
leekstep on Tuesday May 4, 2010
everything goes fine this month hah:)
WHATT!? on Thursday March 12, 2009
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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