![]() Level 37
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RutttOhThis player has been modded by the community
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filthy mouth and needs to be muted ...this person is mad
NibbleNobbysNuts on Monday October 14, 2013 2011-02-27 What is it with these chat jerks, web boys, and bullies always acting aggressively? THEY are the ones who have been banned by moderators, but they feel no shame. They are the ones who chat or act rudely but demand that no one point it out. Typical of them: aggression, always aggression. ++++++++++
2011-02-27 HONOR BEFORE GPOKR! Per Rutt0h's request (see below). DrRich's friends and family are devoted, you have to give him that. If DrRich can avoid chatting "cork it" and "STFU" he might become civilized--then he, GPokr, and the world benefit. ++++++++++
[Note: I had not sat in at the table after noticing 01010101010101 playing his usual style of loooong betting times. I did stop to chat a fair warning to the table about 01010101010101's betting style. Ruttt0h saw his chance to confront me.]...............
oakcliff: please leave a bad review for him and for his aliases--his hobby can match our hobby of leaving bad reviews for him...............
RutttOh: who...............
oakcliff: 01010101010101--the maximum-time-to-bet guy...............
RutttOh: why would i want to do that...............
oakcliff: YOU would not, of course...............
oakcliff: others might like to...............
RutttOh: why...............
oakcliff: this is way over your head--don't worry about it...............
RutttOh: go piss on yourself ##########...............
oakcliff: manner, rutttoh...............
DrRich is here [Note: DRRICH IS HERE! How lucky can a table get? DrRich never sat in, though.]...............
oakcliff: manners...............
RutttOh: pissoff ##########...............
oakcliff: as expected...............
RutttOh: go bother another table...............
oakcliff: oh, two failures at one table--DrRich and 01010101010101...............
fundure is here [Note: Is it just a coincidence that DrRich was here and then fundure was here? DrRich calling in his gang?]...............
RutttOh: and one asshole ##########....name oakcliff...............
oakcliff: my chatting is more bothersome than 01010101010101's betting time?...............
oakcliff: rutttoh, word choice indicates breeding...............
oakcliff: yours is now in question...............
RutttOh: u epitomize why idiot parents should not reproduce...............
fundure: hes a jerk. Ignore him...............
RutttOh: if only it would work...............
oakcliff: yes, the sheriff can seem a jerk to the local miscreants...............
RutttOh: the table seems to think u r a jerk oakcliff...............
oakcliff: the silent majority applauds the sheriff making the miscreants tow the line...............
oakcliff: toe...............
RutttOh: learn to spell idiot...............
oakcliff: learn to think, imbecile...............
fundure: he'll write a disertation about how you degrade him on the forum...............
oakcliff: yes, of course...............
RutttOh: sniffle that hurt...............
oakcliff: that is MY hobby--you guys are chat jerks, web boys, and bullies--i am the conscience of the table...............
fundure: arrogant too...............
RutttOh: no the asshole of the table ##########...............
oakcliff: HONOR before GPoker!...............
RutttOh: u have no honor...............
fundure: he'd rather belittle others than play poker...............
RutttOh: no kidding...............
oakcliff: i only belittle those who deserve it: chat jerks, web boys, and bullies...............
RutttOh: start on yourself then...............
fundure: go tell that to someone who cares...............
fundure: anyone her fall into that category?...............
oakcliff: chat jerks, web boys, and bullies ALWAYS hate it when their ignominy is pointed out...............
fundure: ^here...............
oakcliff: they HATE it...............
fundure: wow, such an articulate person...............
oakcliff: they prefer that the rest of us suffer in silence...............
fundure: good to have a thesarus handy...............
RutttOh: you must not have had enough tit time with your mommie...............
oakcliff: work toward honor, goodness, wisdom, virtue, justice--then GPokr and the world get better instead of worse...............
oakcliff: we can never achieve them, but we can work toward them...............
RutttOh: take your own advice...............
fundure: I think he's related to "There cards suck" who used to be hre [Note: I don't know 'These Cards Suck,' but looking at RutttOh's modded section on this page, These Cards Suck was the moderator who modded RutttOh for having pornographic avatars. Are fundure and RuttOh really still demanding the 'right' to have pornographic avatars? Just wondering.]...............
RutttOh: must be...............
RutttOh: both morons...............
oakcliff: if you are happy with your behavior, continue it--don't be surprised when others note it publicly--fair warning...............
RutttOh: hahahaha...............
fundure: see what I mean...............
RutttOh: no kidding...............
fundure: he's the running joke around here...............
oakcliff: the joke that the silent majority thanks me for...............
oakcliff: the moderator can't stop you, but i can give you what you need: public scorn...............
fundure: go on thinking that...............
oakcliff: by the way, is DrRich an M.D. doctor?...............
oakcliff: since DrRich mentions he is a "health doctor," we are interested...............
oakcliff: M.D.?...............
fundure has left...............
oakcliff: bye bye, fundure...............
oakcliff: tell DrRich to learn manners and he is welcome back...............
oakcliff: "cork it" and "STFU" are not good manners...............
RutttOh: oak...............
oakcliff: howdy...............
RutttOh: u need to leave...............
oakcliff: oh, did i ask the wrong thing?...............
oakcliff: it does seem to be a difficult question for DrRich and fundure...............
RutttOh: no one likes being harrased...............
oakcliff: they started it...............
RutttOh: not likely...............
oakcliff: i am playing their game...............
oakcliff: read the transcript i posted...............
RutttOh: nope...............
oakcliff: DrRich said "cork it" and "STFU"--given the chance to come off of that, he chose not to...............
RutttOh: just go annoy another table...............
oakcliff: is you ask nicely, i will...............
RutttOh: please go [Note: See how beneficial good manners are? Beneficial for all.]...............
oakcliff: glad to--good luck all...............
RutttOh: make sure i am on your buddies likst. ++++++++++ It gives me no pleasure that this review gives Ruttt0h pleasure, but so be it. Please note, however, that the sins of the father are NOT visited upon the sons. Good, kind, polite behavior is its own reward--the opposite behavior deserves public scorn and will get it from me, at least, when I can give it. The web boys, chat jerks, and bullies need to see that they do not always have it their way. (Too often, but not always.) HONOR BEFORE GPOKR!
oakcliff on Sunday February 27, 2011 this player has been warned several times...
Y$$UPEV0L1 on Friday October 30, 2009 |