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((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 5:11 PM, Friday December 14, 2012 EST
I never meant to offend you by giving you one worded replies. To simply put, I just don't have the energy. I have been in the process of getting over stuff and getting away from my pc. I don't need you getting angry at me simply on the basis that i'm not giving you the full attention you want.

Stop friending, then defriending me, blocking, then not blocking me. Then mailing me to say how i'm doing days later.

Don't need it, don't want it.
((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 5:03 PM, Friday December 14, 2012 EST
If by "full of shit" you mean not responding to your stupid mail, then yes. Don't message me any more or mail me please. I'm done. Getting tired of this.
((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 5:03 PM, Friday December 14, 2012 EST
greeen wrote
at 3:41 PM, Wednesday November 28, 2012 EST
I knew there was something wrong..........

You're full of shit!
((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 1:46 PM, Monday November 19, 2012 EST
Caught in a weird euphoria of writing like this. it's weird. i'm writing on a wall to myself, but i'm fully aware of who i'm writing to but also denying the reason on why im really doing this.

i'm not drunk, it's early.

i'm happy.

least i think i am.

my doodleordie page has a lot of likes.. i don't think i'm that good.. i don't try to be. well, i do sometimes, but most times i just dick around. there are some people with amazing dod pages that have barely any likes. when i find profiles like that. i like all their drawings :)

ahhhhhs it's been a weird day. now im writing to run away from the embarrassment that someone could be reading this. but i don't care.. i encourage it to be read. after all, i am typing this on a publicly accessible wall for a game i barely play at all. there are reasons for that, but bleh to it all. :(
((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 1:33 PM, Monday November 19, 2012 EST
typing comments in hopes to get my pages back.
((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 1:32 PM, Monday November 19, 2012 EST
i like how i solved that on the same wallpost :)
((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 1:30 PM, Monday November 19, 2012 EST
my god, where has my previous walls posts gone at? D:

oh, have to manually use "wall?page=2" now.. weird.

((PAXMAN)) wrote
at 1:22 PM, Monday November 19, 2012 EST
my god, where has my previous walls posts gone at? D:

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