Level 27
to level 28

AG 007

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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Odnexa Freeroll
Apr 17, 13
37th $0 16 0 1 +1,500 / -2,250 -94 $0
Mini Freeroll 3
Sep 19, 12
35th $0 7 0 0 -50 / -650 -214 $9,225
Mini Freeroll 3
Sep 17, 12
21st $0 17 0 1 +1,050 / -1,200 -88 $11,058
Odnexa Freeroll
Sep 5, 12
32nd $0 13 0 0 -25 / -400 -115 $1,400
Mini Freeroll 3
Sep 2, 12
41st $0 8 0 0 +250 / -1,075 -188 $6,350
Mini Freeroll 2
Aug 17, 12
45th $0 14 0 0 -25 / -1,425 -214 $42,608
Mini Freeroll 1
Aug 17, 12
20th $0 11 0 0 -25 / -325 -136 $0
Odnexa Freeroll
Aug 15, 12
13th $0 17 1 0 +650 / -900 -88 $1,500
Mini Freeroll 3
Aug 14, 12
38th $0 11 0 0 +600 / -825 -136 $0
Mini Freeroll 2
Aug 13, 12
30th $0 44 0 0 +50 / -200 -35 $0

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
April 2013 963rd $3,958 54 2 4 +8,750 / -8,000 -103 $17,600
September 2012 2,719th $0 613 48 51 +13,175 / -14,754 -104 $25,258
August 2012 1,703rd $1,500 899 63 37 +18,950 / -66,208 -120 $84,708
April 2012 2,379th $1,425 237 23 9 +4,825 / -5,600 -152 $6,700
March 2012 2,804th $1,275 509 53 18 +9,850 / -12,000 -172 $22,866
February 2012 2,225th $1,500 365 17 20 +19,323 / -16,400 -91 $38,646
January 2012 3,075th $1,075 940 64 59 +54,801 / -70,500 -117 $149,102
December 2011 1,374th $3,275 525 41 36 +36,771 / -44,509 -122 $78,909
November 2011 3,164th $0 162 8 4 +17,600 / -26,000 -93 $61,744
October 2011 2,269th $1,500 121 8 2 +5,125 / -13,700 -136 $18,150
August 2011 5,752nd $0 396 26 20 +84,700 / -100,000 -103 $193,700
July 2011 4,514th $0 1,420 63 89 +101,500 / -78,680 -113 $359,434
June 2011 4,955th $0 2,512 67 106 +200,000 / -210,850 -16 $1,150,313
May 2011 3,200th $0 1,240 93 93 +52,087 / -49,188 -129 $116,801
April 2011 4,353rd $0 1,610 127 116 +18,000 / -23,477 -131 $43,175
March 2011 116th $284,422 2,003 150 133 +270,227 / -123,000 -12 $437,954
February 2011 69th $448,494 3,201 147 181 +189,900 / -102,250 +66 $682,769
January 2011 1,902nd $1,500 2,664 144 191 +146,000 / -223,282 -80 $551,083
December 2010 2,103rd $1,500 1,685 155 130 +24,550 / -47,500 -144 $88,732
November 2010 6,062nd $0 1,455 107 92 +32,987 / -48,349 -129 $96,649
October 2010 1,057th $6,046 844 46 43 +19,546 / -21,300 -97 $64,146
September 2010 5,134th $0 360 21 37 +37,508 / -50,734 -217 $160,734
August 2010 5,914th $0 748 65 52 +39,068 / -72,068 -134 $118,266
July 2010 6,097th $0 1,975 119 131 +57,996 / -83,331 -74 $130,811
June 2010 2,264th $1,500 1,180 95 88 +56,000 / -108,500 -125 $172,993
May 2010 5,080th $0 1,433 99 106 +69,500 / -83,000 -114 $163,588
April 2010 4,398th $0 2,439 132 166 +103,500 / -107,000 -76 $277,910
March 2010 5,263rd $0 1,896 144 138 +33,800 / -25,614 -164 $119,864
February 2010 655th $22,042 1,606 124 117 +97,500 / -151,500 -120 $273,342
January 2010 5,914th $0 2,329 130 187 +103,000 / -90,279 -84 $345,065
December 2009 4,587th $875 1,902 112 148 +37,400 / -69,641 -115 $112,814
November 2009 5,538th $0 1,812 89 180 +90,500 / -93,000 -95 $215,783
October 2009 1,633rd $5,299 2,927 192 227 +101,500 / -91,000 -110 $256,823
September 2009 8,550th $0 1,863 178 183 +40,600 / -93,000 -140 $227,273
August 2009 9,267th $0 2,542 141 195 +99,072 / -63,000 -97 $188,398
July 2009 1,797th $4,627 2,380 50 231 +57,000 / -84,678 -38 $196,374
June 2009 6,650th $0 1,282 82 92 +22,600 / -61,739 -104 $88,039
May 2009 10,460th $0 1,481 77 103 +22,000 / -20,000 -76 $73,386
April 2009 968th $18,295 1,047 34 82 +18,800 / -20,404 -31 $59,575
March 2009 8,732nd $0 1,895 45 98 +222,000 / -96,500 -45 $697,405
February 2009 6,617th $0 2,075 63 142 +17,750 / -8,875 -36 $52,830
January 2009 1,820th $7,671 2,177 87 114 +8,973 / -8,322 -59 $69,625
December 2008 1,124th $16,791 1,230 43 56 +10,258 / -11,900 -35 $29,925
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