Level 17
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URteddybearAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 2 of 2
fuck idiot you don't play for al firts table and you won 3d place ur a shit
nick88 on Friday May 22, 2009 kissmy(_|_): im so pissed
knucklesOmalley: why
kissmy(_|_): i cant sit with that accont
knucklesOmalley: why not??
kissmy(_|_): cause my old account had chips on it
kissmy(_|_): i took them from there and put them here
knucklesOmalley: cant do that?
kissmy(_|_): well on lolly
kissmy(_|_): no
knucklesOmalley: why you surprised then?
kissmy(_|_): cuz everyone does it
kissmy(_|_): i just was ratted out
LVR has left
knucklesOmalley: oh its some politics bs
knucklesOmalley: damn thats some shit
kissmy(_|_): xactly
URteddybear on Tuesday February 17, 2009 |