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john27 wrote
at 6:34 AM, Wednesday October 7, 2009 EDT
Dealing pocket cards: [Qc, 9d]
deer checks
Javipu14 calls
E. T. calls
john27 checks
Dealing flop: [Qd, 4h, Qs]
E. T. checks
john27 bets $15,000
deer raises $45,000
Javipu14 folds
E. T. folds
john27 raises $187,994
deer calls
Dealing turn: [6s]
Dealing river: [2d]
john27 shows [Qc, 9d] for three Queens
deer shows [2s, Qh] for a full house, Queens full of twos
deer wins main pot $425,988
john27 stands up

why this site sucks ass
Bianca123 wrote
at 2:53 PM, Thursday October 1, 2009 EDT
WOW! J, congratulations!


FBM wrote
at 2:43 PM, Thursday October 1, 2009 EDT
well done m8t on another blue
fickle wrote
at 11:22 PM, Wednesday September 30, 2009 EDT
great comeback....watch out for us noobs (especially the good ones) and change the brand of wiskey you giv eyour daughter
john27 wrote
at 12:33 PM, Tuesday September 22, 2009 EDT
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 4s]
john27 calls
Tim Dunne checks
Dealing flop: [4h, 7c, 7h]
Tim Dunne bets $20,000
john27 raises $40,000
Tim Dunne calls
Dealing turn: [3c]
Tim Dunne bets $50,000
john27 raises $100,000
Tim Dunne raises $165,000
john27 raises $357,500
Tim Dunne calls
Dealing river: [7s]
john27 shows [7d, 4s] for four sevens
Tim Dunne shows [6s, 5d] for a straight seven high
john27 wins main pot $995,000
john27 wins side pot $5,000
Tim Dunne stands up
Tim Dunne takes a seat
john27 wrote
at 3:57 AM, Thursday September 10, 2009 EDT
Dealing pocket cards: [Jc, Js]
msufan1313 folds
john27 raises $10,000
Wyatt_Linklater folds
MetaGod folds
kiwi folds
Kangaro raises $20,000
john27 calls
Dealing flop: [3s, 2s, 6d]
Kangaro bets $40,000
john27 raises $675,000
Kangaro calls
Dealing turn: [Kh]
Dealing river: [9h]
Kangaro shows [Ah, Jd] for Ace high
john27 shows [Jc, Js] for a pair of Jacks
john27 wins main pot $693,886
john27 wins side pot $354,307
FBM wrote
at 8:37 AM, Tuesday September 1, 2009 EDT
well done m8t
john27 wrote
at 10:10 AM, Monday August 17, 2009 EDT
john27 wins main pot $2,380,000
john27 wrote
at 10:09 AM, Monday August 17, 2009 EDT
lucky fuck!!!! hahahahahaha

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Jc, Jd]
odnexa1 folds
bigbeno calls
john27 raises $80,000
bigbeno calls
Dealing flop: [5c, 4s, 8s]
bigbeno checks
john27 bets $140,000
bigbeno raises $1,090,000
john27 calls
Dealing turn: [5d]
Dealing river: [Ad]
bigbeno shows [8h, 4c] for two pair, eights and fives
john27 shows [Jc, Jd] for two pair, Jacks and fives

john27 wrote
at 6:36 PM, Friday August 14, 2009 EDT


Dealing pocket cards: [Qc, Qh]
Priamus folds
bigbeno raises $10,000
LATTIMER raises $26,222
fuckmeilost folds
john27 calls
bigbeno calls
Dealing flop: [2s, 3s, 8s]
john27 checks
bigbeno bets $25,000
john27 raises $416,078
bigbeno folds
Priamus stands up
Dealing turn: [6c]
Dealing river: [3h]
LATTIMER shows [Jh, Js] for two pair, Jacks and threes
john27 shows [Qc, Qh] for two pair, Queens and threes
john27 wins main pot $938,322
LATTIMER sits out

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