Level 36
to level 37


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December 2024 Competition


Last 10 Hands


Daily Performance

DayRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 23 494th $0 4 2 0 +750 / -1,500 -749 $1450
December 18 434th $0 3 0 0 +1,525 / -2,575 -500 $3025
December 1 78th $0 17 4 3 +3,375 / -2,725 -525 $4825

Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 1
2024-12-01 16:00:01.0
17th $0 8 0 1 +1,625 / -1,366 -188 $1625
Daily 5k Reprise
2024-05-04 17:00:01.0
10th $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,450 -750 $5525
Mini Freeroll 2
2023-09-21 20:00:02.0
11th $0 14 0 0 +0 / -275 -104 $1425
Europe Freeroll Noch
2023-09-12 05:00:02.0
7th $0 24 0 0 +0 / -100 -56 $1475
Members Night
2021-11-19 02:00:07.0
5th $0 18 0 0 +0 / -200 -81 $30025
Mini Freeroll 2
2021-11-01 20:00:07.0
9th $0 11 0 0 +0 / -400 -134 $26025
Members Morning
2021-10-26 10:00:08.0
9th $3500 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $12440
Europe Freeroll Noch
2021-10-26 05:00:08.0
3rd $10000 33 0 5 +2,200 / -6,075 -52 $74600
2500 Nightly Remix
2021-10-26 04:00:04.0
6th $0 48 0 1 +1,375 / -2,078 -43 $76375
Taeglich 5k
2021-10-26 03:00:09.0
3rd $22000 72 0 3 +3,200 / -7,262 -37 $61200

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 2024 494th $0 24 6 3 +3,375 / -2,725 -557 $4825
November 2024 392nd $1450 1 0 0 +0 / -50 -50 $1450
June 2024 310th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2024 553rd $0 171 1 7 +26,439 / -68,664 -33 $90664
November 2023 447th $1450 1 0 0 +0 / -50 -50 $1450
October 2023 631st $0 2 1 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
September 2023 412th $1500 133 6 5 +5,600 / -14,449 -314 $28049
April 2023 517th $0 3 1 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,000 $1450
February 2023 374th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
December 2022 317th $2500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
July 2022 340th $6500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
June 2022 266th $9500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2022 298th $7300 1 0 0 +0 / -200 -200 $7300
April 2022 204th $21500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
November 2021 720th $0 181 0 0 +212,000 / -444,500 -871 $478656
October 2021 360th $4500 334 0 4 +81,000 / -198,000 -553 $263690
September 2021 864th $0 2955 0 16 +879,736 / -610,000 -294 $2814973
August 2021 675th $0 173 0 0 +112,000 / -380,000 -691 $410000
June 2021 144th $35000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2021 503rd $3000 889 0 4 +108,500 / -185,000 -214 $542744
March 2021 473rd $3500 126 0 1 +17,000 / -74,725 -640 $84225
February 2021 222nd $25000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2021 353rd $7500 43 0 0 +43,957 / -60,714 -1,123 $88214
December 2020 441st $4500 390 0 8 +15,050 / -60,722 -193 $60722
November 2020 916th $0 170 0 0 +20,000 / -29,600 -468 $102600
October 2020 359th $6500 8 0 0 +1,700 / -1,200 -312 $33800
September 2020 244th $29000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
August 2020 811th $0 77 0 8 +10,500 / -17,700 -444 $42268
July 2020 508th $3375 367 9 5 +29,000 / -86,425 -304 $152425
June 2020 627th $1500 109 0 7 +13,775 / -19,500 -305 $31991
May 2020 528th $2000 1482 1 9 +315,707 / -370,069 -369 $853276
April 2020 225th $28000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
March 2020 770th $1400 274 1 3 +20,000 / -68,013 -791 $262250
February 2020 1047th $0 434 4 14 +109,500 / -195,257 -427 $257257
January 2020 1031st $0 560 26 26 +22,200 / -48,474 -37 $57474
December 2019 345th $8500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2019 321st $9200 1 0 0 +0 / -2,300 -2,300 $9200
August 2019 440th $2100 6 0 0 +500 / -150 +99 $2300
July 2019 594th $1475 312 12 20 +23,600 / -20,000 -87 $69778
June 2019 610th $1300 421 4 15 +46,500 / -28,125 -66 $120093
May 2019 955th $0 65 1 2 +4,249 / -14,900 -239 $15300
April 2019 372nd $5500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
March 2019 337th $7850 5 0 1 +1,925 / -1,375 +70 $7950
January 2019 233rd $19325 3 0 0 +0 / -100 -58 $19450
July 2018 320th $12300 1 0 0 +0 / -200 -200 $12300
April 2018 242nd $26700 1 0 0 +0 / -1,800 -1,800 $26700
September 2017 1112th $0 54 0 0 +4,500 / -12,750 -290 $16450
June 2017 412th $9500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2017 1052nd $0 58 0 4 +17,500 / -71,575 -194 $80575
March 2017 1606th $0 3 0 0 +0 / -5,000 -3,166 $4400
February 2017 1379th $0 9 0 1 +1,775 / -2,975 +165 $8450
January 2017 710th $2275 501 1 14 +201,962 / -398,000 -139 $541724
December 2016 513th $6500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2016 539th $6750 22 0 0 +19,900 / -19,500 -84 $51925
September 2016 710th $3000 418 1 8 +39,000 / -139,325 -123 $232125
August 2016 1873rd $0 2675 10 66 +467,500 / -370,384 -233 $1470310
July 2016 1365th $0 1074 33 44 +46,000 / -99,419 -131 $216619
March 2016 1195th $1050 7 1 0 +1,675 / -3,350 -278 $4450
December 2015 512th $9450 5 0 0 +350 / -325 -9 $9775
November 2015 776th $2600 92 0 16 +24,025 / -20,000 -413 $42143
October 2015 849th $1930 16 1 4 +11,105 / -14,800 -70 $22280
September 2015 1859th $0 27 1 0 +9,000 / -55,675 -1,885 $58675
July 2015 1325th $275 3 0 0 -25 / -1,150 -408 $1500
June 2015 1820th $0 8 2 0 +1,650 / -4,600 -750 $4750
May 2015 883rd $1475 1 0 0 -25 / -25 -25 $1500
April 2015 1089th $381 4 1 1 +3,000 / -4,094 -655 $4500
February 2015 459th $6261 37 4 3 +2,544 / -1,614 -74 $6761
January 2015 2200th $0 16 1 1 +1,700 / -3,800 -375 $4675
November 2014 553rd $4282 78 0 6 +24,150 / -31,925 +17 $46807
October 2014 1163rd $1275 10 2 0 +3,975 / -4,675 -473 $5950
September 2014 1668th $0 5 1 0 +100 / -1,500 -600 $1600
August 2014 1084th $1500 61 4 5 +19,498 / -21,298 -199 $40598
July 2014 742nd $2575 41 1 1 +3,900 / -4,100 -47 $7900
June 2014 1427th $0 8 0 2 +3,100 / -1,500 -375 $4600
May 2014 1436th $360 24 1 0 +2,300 / -2,925 -110 $4750
April 2014 992nd $1500 200 21 18 +14,400 / -22,034 -327 $34450
March 2014 1068th $1500 159 11 10 +9,622 / -20,000 -105 $29446
February 2014 854th $2950 398 14 23 +63,375 / -89,796 -96 $190971
January 2014 3187th $0 45 3 3 +4,873 / -13,325 -311 $13975
December 2013 2437th $0 1545 37 20 +275,792 / -229,000 +241 $718644
November 2013 2709th $0 138 12 9 +11,682 / -9,750 -178 $19373
October 2013 3345th $0 9 1 2 +3,369 / -4,694 -333 $4694
September 2013 2856th $0 63 4 0 +1,350 / -2,820 -198 $5200
August 2013 2460th $0 8 2 1 +3,875 / -1,800 +103 $1875
July 2013 1523rd $1500 43 2 0 +1,575 / -3,625 -105 $5600
June 2013 1747th $1350 69 2 0 +19,800 / -12,725 -451 $44400
May 2013 1358th $1500 335 6 12 +21,600 / -21,200 -120 $78277
April 2013 1368th $1500 2387 114 104 +117,137 / -185,000 -65 $350644
March 2013 4181st $0 557 24 21 +91,071 / -108,500 -131 $218540
February 2013 2248th $150 7 1 0 +575 / -20,000 -3,764 $25000
January 2013 3485th $0 257 26 17 +32,152 / -18,350 -290 $46928
December 2012 3835th $0 164 11 4 +20,000 / -20,900 -271 $56500
November 2012 1566th $1500 318 34 32 +13,850 / -27,500 -275 $38300
October 2012 2954th $0 854 72 29 +100,964 / -169,054 -182 $315928
September 2012 2845th $0 1161 30 25 +560,002 / -380,000 -47 $1589980
August 2012 1176th $3050 98 10 8 +10,000 / -13,027 -520 $28350
July 2012 3470th $0 445 33 32 +53,500 / -67,198 -218 $176598
June 2012 1741st $1500 940 61 48 +72,596 / -83,404 -136 $141692
April 2012 4941st $0 51 1 3 +5,100 / -13,700 -88 $15000
March 2012 4615th $0 6 2 0 +75 / -1,575 -750 $1575
February 2012 3117th $400 6 0 1 +2,075 / -4,575 -183 $4975
January 2012 2299th $1500 24 1 6 +6,774 / -11,336 -187 $11486
December 2011 4410th $0 137 23 13 +24,440 / -51,328 -274 $80828
November 2011 4046th $0 242 13 11 +109,500 / -217,000 -99 $456596
October 2011 3473rd $0 431 25 25 +43,797 / -58,810 -106 $65310
September 2011 1432nd $2550 85 13 1 +5,000 / -19,600 -458 $21650
August 2011 5827th $0 462 19 26 +20,800 / -39,431 -84 $67431
July 2011 5072nd $0 370 20 20 +23,200 / -43,000 -150 $84500
June 2011 5468th $0 62 7 3 +3,350 / -10,700 -436 $10900
May 2011 4580th $0 196 1 6 +33,031 / -61,659 -92 $111062
April 2011 4403rd $0 49 6 2 +92,050 / -89,178 -1,367 $136575
March 2011 3686th $0 55 7 8 +7,025 / -16,250 -246 $24225
February 2011 3287th $0 19 2 2 +4,625 / -12,450 -448 $12450
January 2011 1421st $3450 39 11 0 +1,675 / -3,000 -489 $3550
December 2010 7256th $0 61 12 7 +5,200 / -9,600 -393 $13200
November 2010 5846th $0 48 14 5 +6,150 / -7,650 -594 $9350
October 2010 5133rd $0 963 94 66 +51,000 / -96,650 -194 $138650
September 2010 2437th $1500 125 13 5 +13,001 / -20,000 -395 $34809
August 2010 2864th $1475 769 67 55 +20,000 / -31,000 -188 $86325
July 2010 6425th $0 403 15 19 +20,478 / -45,017 -129 $65668
June 2010 2307th $1500 427 29 12 +25,000 / -74,100 -174 $125100
May 2010 4412th $0 157 32 10 +11,525 / -19,600 -484 $33325
April 2010 2242nd $1500 30 7 0 +4,000 / -12,847 -1,384 $26100
March 2010 5452nd $0 83 2 2 +77,800 / -90,300 -356 $155100
February 2010 4673rd $0 276 11 8 +99,500 / -102,500 -167 $302564
January 2010 2009th $3150 3164 128 92 +813,000 / -926,000 -84 $2042903
December 2009 3063rd $1500 2862 190 119 +207,725 / -425,545 -124 $675545
November 2009 2614th $1500 1455 203 67 +50,500 / -89,675 -249 $184500
October 2009 2772nd $1500 1802 127 94 +77,239 / -100,000 -192 $174200
September 2009 8342nd $0 1047 49 36 +89,000 / -101,500 -84 $321500
August 2009 167th $167390 3447 97 106 +250,000 / -285,600 -9 $900900
July 2009 2742nd $1500 2417 98 115 +114,049 / -80,900 -95 $222060
June 2009 2793rd $1500 1293 56 58 +160,000 / -339,718 -49 $767651
May 2009 7089th $0 2838 154 274 +103,000 / -140,512 -66 $296299
April 2009 6180th $0 3939 168 275 +85,000 / -99,000 -55 $175105
March 2009 713th $26925 2309 157 161 +125,500 / -101,950 -122 $217786
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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