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I'm the nicest b*tch you'll ever meet :)
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TayBren13 wrote
at 7:50 AM, Tuesday February 22, 2011 EST
Happy BirffDay Hun <3
deleria wrote
at 8:07 AM, Sunday January 16, 2011 EST
missing youuuuu~
not as fun sans sen :(
at 6:51 AM, Wednesday January 5, 2011 EST
Nadira wrote
at 10:26 AM, Saturday January 1, 2011 EST
oh my goodnessss nicee medal!!!
bhwrice wrote
at 2:30 PM, Saturday December 25, 2010 EST
Merry Christmas!
PM325 wrote
at 12:07 PM, Thursday December 23, 2010 EST
Hey Pretty Kitty, Hope you have an awesome Christmas and enjoy all that extra time with your little monkey : )
Wurlyearly wrote
at 7:29 PM, Wednesday December 22, 2010 EST
Have a magnificent christmas :)
purplechick wrote
at 3:50 PM, Friday December 17, 2010 EST
My darling kitty,

I soooooooooooooooooooooo missed you this afternoon. I was terribly anxious to get back to you. I knew I was missing prime seeee time and I just couldn't get back to you in time. If you could see the tears that are falling as I type, you'd understand my pain. But since I missed you, what kind of friend would I be if I did not respond with a lengthy novel as you have done for me? You see only extreme circumstances could have kept me from you. I had to shop for that obligitory, god-forsaken, vomitous turkey and it took all of the time that Ben was in preschool. Upon my arrival to pick him up, the kids and other moms decided to play in the snow. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't let Ben play? SO I told him three snowballs max and told the other mommies that I had to hurry back home to my senilefelines and they just couldn't understand that I was not referring to demented kittens. It took forever to explain and then Ben was covered in ice and snow and I had to bring him home and put him in the bathtub to thaw his frozen limbs. By the time I got him out, I was late to get the other kids from school and when I got back, you were gone. Gone, gone, gone. So you see, seeeeeee, I am devastated not to have gotten to wish you a very Merry Christmas in person, as well as a Happy New Year, and a fabulous week off. Hope to see you very soon into 2011 unless I can sneak back on sooner. Kisses!
TayBren13 wrote
at 3:44 PM, Friday December 17, 2010 EST
I sent you a singing Christmas card just like PC's... Did you not get it??? Wonder if it ended up at Brighty's house. You know how she is. Probably went through your mail and took it for herself =) &#9829;
pwndju wrote
at 9:01 PM, Thursday December 2, 2010 EST
Thanks, congratz on 9th! Chris kinda ran us all over for first place :D
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