Level 61
to level 62


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll Noch
2022-08-13 05:00:07.0
2nd $15000 52 0 4 +2,700 / -3,950 -39 $35216
Taeglich 5k
2022-08-13 03:00:07.0
2nd $28500 37 0 1 +1,325 / -4,200 -49 $10341
Daily 5k Reprise
2022-08-12 17:00:09.0
12th $0 18 0 0 +1,375 / -887 -83 $82890
Mini Freeroll 1
2022-08-12 16:00:01.0
26th $0 4 0 0 +0 / -1,325 -374 $62660
2500 Daily Reprise
2022-08-12 15:00:06.0
8th $0 40 0 3 +2,425 / -5,100 -47 $67660
Daily 5k
2022-08-12 13:00:00.0
1st $62500 56 0 4 +9,823 / -3,200 +362 $15798
Taeglich 5k Remix
2022-07-01 07:00:09.0
3rd $15000 29 0 1 +675 / -1,950 -55 $7025
Taeglich 5k
2022-06-04 03:00:08.0
10th $0 7 0 0 +150 / -950 -214 $1372953
Daily 5k Reprise
2022-06-03 17:00:08.0
2nd $43500 80 0 8 +9,606 / -10,421 -38 $1420832
Mini Freeroll 1
2022-06-03 16:00:04.0
7th $0 28 0 2 +3,250 / -6,550 -60 $1414476

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
January 2023 723rd $0 123 8 6 +10,225 / -17,375 -170 $20350
November 2022 97th $0 32 5 1 +4,600 / -3,050 -369 $6100
October 2022 373rd $0 6 2 0 +4,575 / -5,325 -750 $6075
September 2022 682nd $0 2 0 0 +0 / -3,400 -1,750 $3400
August 2022 523rd $0 305 4 14 +22,030 / -64,515 -342 $82315
July 2022 483rd $1500 42 1 1 +3,600 / -7,900 -433 $21150
June 2022 444th $1500 1292 0 26 +517,500 / -485,000 -898 $1677264
May 2022 740th $0 31 2 5 +3,150 / -3,895 -84 $8962
April 2022 748th $0 396 1 46 +37,100 / -56,875 -101 $109225
March 2022 613th $1500 679 0 61 +45,883 / -56,000 -82 $190222
February 2022 599th $0 42 1 6 +5,592 / -10,242 -303 $10242
January 2022 772nd $0 766 2 8 +105,500 / -138,714 -138 $270134
December 2021 681st $0 35 2 6 +3,137 / -10,037 -298 $10037
November 2021 702nd $0 573 16 26 +55,000 / -100,000 -186 $130049
October 2021 790th $0 4341 3 54 +515,000 / -530,000 -152 $1567018
September 2021 835th $0 254 1 9 +64,000 / -90,000 -323 $255432
August 2021 837th $0 39 2 3 +5,150 / -12,087 -428 $12187
July 2021 674th $0 114 6 8 +11,400 / -19,900 -194 $22900
May 2021 845th $0 13 0 2 +7,198 / -10,900 -767 $12148
April 2021 521st $2500 37 3 2 +9,900 / -11,275 -496 $14800
March 2021 1013th $0 81 7 9 +6,775 / -10,075 -319 $12075
February 2021 1005th $0 103 6 7 +11,925 / -9,605 -157 $23450
January 2021 952nd $0 700 34 54 +125,500 / -84,000 -37 $310530
December 2020 870th $0 34 1 0 +23,250 / -20,900 -353 $33075
November 2020 571st $1500 3884 1 27 +1,502,500 / -917,076 -235 $4280929
October 2020 801st $0 512 6 26 +30,487 / -74,724 -190 $121475
September 2020 887th $0 53 5 3 +4,725 / -5,975 -318 $6225
August 2020 557th $1500 426 24 35 +17,600 / -19,800 -29 $44875
July 2020 567th $2000 395 4 14 +38,950 / -65,900 -91 $96746
June 2020 451st $3000 14 1 0 +1,925 / -3,000 -535 $4400
May 2020 1125th $0 119 6 16 +39,600 / -25,700 -185 $96660
April 2020 1510th $0 262 2 6 +70,300 / -197,866 -110 $239866
March 2020 1197th $0 157 25 15 +16,963 / -17,963 -314 $30163
February 2020 984th $0 93 4 8 +14,850 / -20,000 -78 $22219
January 2020 1067th $0 421 41 21 +15,075 / -14,024 -164 $26300
December 2019 385th $6500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
November 2019 319th $9500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
October 2019 428th $4000 211 8 13 +51,246 / -102,992 -272 $102992
September 2019 996th $0 544 15 22 +35,054 / -89,254 -203 $114654
August 2019 784th $0 311 19 18 +18,300 / -11,200 -116 $44839
July 2019 533rd $1500 532 4 29 +69,833 / -109,666 -229 $226666
June 2019 1034th $0 417 33 33 +27,000 / -74,001 -378 $104275
May 2019 1044th $0 927 7 37 +91,000 / -92,356 -114 $238331
April 2019 547th $1500 8314 0 99 +572,500 / -500,000 -15 $3562885
March 2019 783rd $0 83 0 2 +6,800 / -21,100 -491 $48475
February 2019 4th $1503964 1971 10 37 +632,500 / -517,500 -186 $2197211
January 2019 600th $1500 639 38 52 +59,045 / -103,190 -129 $164190
December 2018 883rd $0 1203 19 45 +130,000 / -197,000 -49 $435913
November 2018 1199th $0 570 21 47 +31,000 / -95,000 -44 $119013
October 2018 962nd $0 47 7 5 +6,611 / -7,425 -397 $9904
September 2018 1236th $0 723 50 48 +102,140 / -87,573 -31 $207280
August 2018 1407th $0 3087 17 64 +440,000 / -511,950 -311 $2459040
July 2018 492nd $3500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
June 2018 449th $4500 5645 3 60 +520,000 / -693,776 -553 $4133504
May 2018 699th $1500 779 5 30 +78,750 / -75,223 -69 $344723
April 2018 730th $1000 537 10 26 +91,000 / -114,550 -133 $276050
March 2018 748th $1500 811 21 29 +93,420 / -383,361 -212 $523765
February 2018 526th $2550 491 43 31 +23,027 / -44,054 -119 $52027
January 2018 801st $1500 659 27 45 +63,700 / -74,900 -71 $149900
December 2017 772nd $1500 239 8 22 +20,100 / -59,875 -142 $70375
November 2017 1136th $0 321 15 16 +19,275 / -24,650 -88 $44761
October 2017 1389th $0 341 32 26 +101,000 / -177,260 -290 $202132
September 2017 1268th $0 171 8 14 +13,560 / -18,470 -162 $26620
August 2017 1252nd $0 484 15 21 +83,700 / -65,400 -188 $239400
July 2017 1656th $0 2685 15 50 +307,354 / -230,000 -130 $741330
June 2017 1348th $0 720 37 49 +51,715 / -62,000 -50 $140551
May 2017 1415th $0 199 8 5 +101,750 / -170,000 -202 $381128
April 2017 1313th $0 246 21 17 +10,849 / -17,100 -144 $34599
March 2017 1882nd $0 86 9 5 +6,575 / -6,204 -297 $11187
February 2017 1597th $0 2563 22 63 +381,124 / -160,000 -173 $1070958
January 2017 1502nd $0 5188 18 88 +1,288,000 / -1,152,879 -1 $5182722
December 2016 1243rd $0 942 52 63 +87,012 / -77,678 -40 $195178
November 2016 1980th $0 5542 24 74 +567,500 / -1,790,000 -39 $4564296
October 2016 1432nd $0 665 25 36 +30,000 / -48,000 -184 $144840
September 2016 1575th $0 1136 48 64 +96,804 / -78,000 -166 $260358
August 2016 1892nd $0 62 10 11 +7,500 / -14,400 -440 $14700
July 2016 1355th $0 274 14 20 +64,000 / -62,155 -318 $137700
June 2016 1404th $0 1502 8 25 +262,000 / -2,000,000 -256 $2410419
May 2016 2283rd $0 555 4 17 +146,000 / -102,000 -57 $379531
April 2016 2325th $0 641 41 81 +25,810 / -60,075 -187 $78752
March 2016 1895th $0 104 5 9 +12,500 / -42,700 -731 $82200
February 2016 1145th $1500 512 20 41 +34,320 / -39,133 -38 $73494
January 2016 1886th $0 444 10 20 +97,185 / -86,593 -113 $233538
December 2015 2019th $0 2757 12 39 +492,388 / -540,112 -184 $1959217
November 2015 1618th $0 774 32 51 +213,994 / -447,500 -298 $590244
October 2015 1st $11522817 9409 9 76 +1,910,000 / -2,000,000 +16 $11639910
September 2015 1492nd $0 595 3 23 +65,426 / -155,098 -107 $404598
August 2015 1620th $0 151 14 15 +15,750 / -22,400 -113 $52200
January 2015 2041st $0 187 0 14 +21,143 / -19,800 -16 $45278
December 2014 2166th $0 132 10 11 +16,500 / -19,700 -144 $32400
November 2014 1634th $0 220 15 23 +22,342 / -20,000 -164 $46701
August 2014 2330th $0 19 2 2 +5,650 / -12,825 -395 $12825
June 2014 1584th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2014 1704th $0 14 4 1 +570 / -1,500 -755 $2070
April 2014 1970th $0 9 1 4 +5,275 / -8,426 -333 $11425
February 2014 2863rd $0 98 17 10 +10,050 / -15,000 -291 $23575
January 2014 2171st $0 381 40 45 +147,296 / -71,473 -155 $248694
December 2013 2495th $0 7 2 0 +2,950 / -3,290 -643 $4350
November 2013 2611th $0 240 39 25 +24,500 / -19,639 -275 $45500
October 2013 2565th $0 29 6 0 +2,025 / -3,225 -362 $3350
September 2013 4057th $0 115 22 5 +39,946 / -43,892 -300 $78880
August 2013 2914th $0 18 3 6 +3,475 / -5,625 -333 $8325
July 2013 2844th $0 13 2 4 +4,505 / -4,625 -346 $9705
June 2013 3290th $0 39 6 4 +5,875 / -12,750 -269 $13950
May 2013 3399th $0 14 3 0 +1,625 / -1,650 -536 $3125
April 2013 1599th $1500 583 3 17 +195,053 / -158,500 +18 $468106
March 2013 3129th $0 15 4 2 +7,500 / -4,560 -500 $9000
February 2013 2790th $0 16 5 3 +5,175 / -5,250 -656 $6750
January 2013 3446th $0 34 7 4 +7,600 / -5,000 -353 $18550
December 2012 3639th $0 60 8 12 +7,500 / -14,149 -275 $15449
November 2012 1630th $1500 151 27 19 +15,587 / -19,900 -278 $46353
October 2012 4469th $0 833 23 24 +377,720 / -592,500 -174 $1396261
September 2012 3897th $0 97 11 9 +32,650 / -19,800 -201 $44775
August 2012 3847th $0 67 11 6 +12,290 / -14,695 -291 $19455
July 2012 3564th $0 126 8 8 +40,600 / -57,300 -119 $92800
June 2012 3945th $0 65 3 10 +23,972 / -51,000 -92 $67849
May 2012 3989th $0 74 22 6 +7,325 / -12,179 -487 $14500
April 2012 1st $14021951 2255 6 25 +1,720,000 / -587,500 +6,291 $14144451
March 2012 4090th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
February 2012 4636th $0 26 2 2 +4,200 / -3,284 -231 $6450
January 2012 3976th $0 68 19 4 +6,600 / -4,800 -463 $9850
December 2011 5079th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
November 2011 4998th $0 33 1 10 +7,975 / -15,137 -136 $16515
October 2011 3655th $0 194 8 12 +25,434 / -69,384 -173 $81084
September 2011 2836th $825 227 37 43 +14,121 / -15,700 -219 $26362
August 2011 5075th $0 140 17 16 +12,631 / -22,962 -204 $23262
July 2011 4285th $0 146 12 17 +16,000 / -21,100 -175 $55231
June 2011 3736th $0 95 16 9 +12,325 / -19,400 -347 $23848
May 2011 3708th $0 134 11 20 +22,905 / -61,000 -168 $74035
April 2011 4304th $0 273 43 40 +40,012 / -20,000 -169 $89542
March 2011 3103rd $225 224 34 42 +11,750 / -20,000 -280 $24625
February 2011 5270th $0 431 71 55 +43,005 / -49,000 -428 $105750
January 2011 5011th $0 223 34 37 +40,425 / -60,000 -318 $64425
December 2010 4915th $0 129 7 9 +13,800 / -21,188 -85 $46710
November 2010 6316th $0 347 17 33 +49,000 / -75,000 -104 $113400
October 2010 6044th $0 7 2 0 -25 / -1,500 -643 $1500
September 2010 6680th $0 142 16 11 +43,815 / -19,400 -190 $84630
August 2010 5655th $0 33 4 4 +12,885 / -4,305 +530 $25950
July 2010 3409th $0 9 2 0 +3,300 / -3,100 -500 $4800
June 2010 4241st $0 68 9 11 +6,300 / -18,825 -220 $19025
May 2010 5601st $0 482 44 52 +106,219 / -390,000 -173 $478370
April 2010 5023rd $0 175 31 15 +7,900 / -13,131 -317 $16550
March 2010 5969th $0 245 44 31 +8,635 / -12,468 -253 $15031
February 2010 2867th $1500 929 53 63 +260,000 / -205,000 -82 $888404
January 2010 6621st $0 1341 139 145 +57,500 / -58,636 -138 $170276
December 2009 8313th $0 110 30 10 +5,775 / -6,274 -436 $11300
November 2009 8326th $0 94 30 9 +9,125 / -9,800 -575 $13350
October 2009 9067th $0 392 40 45 +43,150 / -20,000 -208 $79355
September 2009 6317th $0 480 47 32 +57,000 / -45,000 -162 $116733
August 2009 9962nd $0 46 9 4 +4,625 / -6,898 -359 $9098
July 2009 8785th $0 201 15 23 +74,829 / -31,658 -149 $128658
June 2009 3033rd $1500 66 14 3 +7,050 / -7,900 -341 $11950
May 2009 7261st $0 326 22 21 +174,499 / -112,500 -110 $376369
April 2009 8366th $0 1432 21 26 +322,550 / -442,500 -75 $1310004
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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