Level 39
to level 40


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Daily
May 13, 20
11th $0 15 0 0 +0 / -250 -97 $219,400
Mini Freeroll 2
Apr 13, 14
9th $0 72 0 4 +4,050 / -5,602 -83 $22,775
Mini Freeroll 1
Apr 13, 14
27th $0 52 0 3 +4,050 / -5,602 -87 $22,775
2500 Daily
Apr 13, 14
20th $0 44 0 3 +4,050 / -5,602 -68 $13,675
Europe Freeroll Noch
Apr 13, 14
3rd $8,000 34 0 3 +4,050 / -5,602 -44 $8,775
2500 Daily
Apr 12, 14
11th $0 30 0 0 +975 / -650 -100 $5,250
Europe Freeroll Noch
Apr 12, 14
13th $0 15 0 0 +500 / -650 -100 $1,035
Mini Freeroll 1
Apr 11, 14
16th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
2500 Daily
Apr 11, 14
22nd $0 21 0 0 +1,550 / -1,250 -143 $10,130
Odnexa Freeroll
Apr 9, 14
14th $0 47 0 1 +1,474 / -1,225 -96 $34,777

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
May 2020 72nd $214,350 7 0 0 +0 / -1,200 -377 $219,350
April 2020 910th $1,425 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
August 2015 853rd $1,887 20 1 1 +2,487 / -1,500 -56 $4,637
July 2015 765th $3,175 29 0 0 +2,025 / -250 +58 $3,975
December 2014 645th $2,625 17 0 0 +800 / -1,100 -22 $2,675
April 2014 521st $8,948 838 22 27 +22,124 / -14,200 -44 $62,768
September 2013 1,679th $1,400 5 0 0 +200 / -150 -20 $1,650
June 2013 1,704th $1,400 114 12 3 +3,125 / -3,396 -159 $5,300
May 2013 2,374th $0 4 1 0 -50 / -1,500 -750 $1,500
April 2013 569th $12,020 13 1 3 +5,945 / -1,200 +694 $6,075
October 2012 860th $6,239 7 1 2 +4,839 / -1,275 +463 $6,339
September 2012 1,162nd $2,725 460 40 13 +4,950 / -10,200 -133 $10,450
August 2012 268th $43,084 1,225 25 21 +23,600 / -12,339 +27 $76,234
July 2012 3,173rd $0 7 1 0 -50 / -1,400 -429 $1,500
May 2012 1,741st $1,500 8 1 0 +1,813 / -1,500 -375 $3,313
April 2012 4,133rd $0 413 8 15 +21,000 / -70,360 -31 $74,460
March 2012 5,007th $0 7 0 0 +3,558 / -5,266 -928 $6,916
February 2012 4,704th $0 824 49 41 +80,500 / -54,000 -101 $180,987
January 2012 341st $37,537 218 2 7 +22,400 / -20,000 +94 $45,592
December 2011 1,370th $3,275 86 4 6 +7,400 / -5,000 -78 $13,721
November 2011 2,676th $1,325 7 1 0 -25 / -1,450 -239 $1,500
October 2011 1,382nd $2,600 218 18 14 +10,575 / -6,496 -125 $22,912
September 2011 1,655th $1,550 125 16 3 +4,500 / -5,928 -171 $9,500
August 2011 779th $10,255 170 12 11 +7,150 / -6,200 -49 $20,100
July 2011 688th $12,462 464 40 27 +15,971 / -14,900 -108 $37,542
April 2011 5,581st $0 9 0 2 +10,800 / -14,300 -167 $20,900
March 2011 6,145th $0 309 26 10 +10,575 / -10,305 -128 $21,800
February 2011 4,551st $0 3 2 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
December 2010 827th $9,350 23 1 0 +5,275 / -975 +276 $9,400
November 2010 1,647th $1,975 97 6 8 +7,650 / -9,575 -88 $11,250
October 2010 1,567th $2,400 24 1 3 +2,875 / -1,375 -25 $4,175
September 2010 1,642nd $2,050 42 3 0 +1,350 / -2,925 -97 $3,125
August 2010 3,040th $1,400 89 14 5 +3,900 / -5,062 -237 $9,075
July 2010 4,702nd $0 65 5 7 +5,785 / -6,618 -139 $12,628
June 2010 327th $43,050 64 0 1 +16,900 / -7,800 +282 $44,550
May 2010 336th $37,800 65 0 2 +22,600 / -4,200 +197 $38,700
April 2010 1,493rd $4,360 328 6 12 +20,500 / -37,500 -210 $88,600
March 2010 455th $31,769 158 0 5 +13,018 / -6,400 +43 $36,900
February 2010 1,862nd $2,877 239 8 9 +31,027 / -18,600 -143 $55,627
January 2010 6,214th $0 281 1 12 +11,800 / -11,400 -94 $43,589
December 2009 12th $2,446,506 272 0 16 +1,058,520 / -30,000 +8,939 $2,447,506
November 2009 942nd $13,025 640 63 30 +22,800 / -98,020 -339 $98,020
October 2009 487th $39,617 2,665 134 158 +173,778 / -90,000 -88 $353,392
September 2009 223rd $107,500 4,558 275 271 +133,000 / -98,000 -84 $503,753
August 2009 64th $804,788 3,503 137 209 +240,000 / -127,000 +139 $1,052,288
July 2009 5,927th $0 4,887 267 466 +248,736 / -343,998 -119 $625,772
June 2009 58th $835,816 4,631 407 381 +195,000 / -397,500 -128 $1,459,279
May 2009 3,835th $1,500 7,144 694 712 +46,000 / -68,000 -143 $267,163
April 2009 702nd $26,818 477 98 41 +12,100 / -15,100 -272 $17,750
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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