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Player who advised Quick that this player was cheating has informed me that she may not have given this player a chance, and he may not have been cheating, as there was a full zero table and alot of kids fooling around. I have played with h3h and never noticed cheating, but I will keep an eye on him. Quick was not online to talk to, and I apologize if I have stepped on any toes but this player is very upset and insists that he was not cheating. As I said, I will watch him. +changeAvatar +chat +play +post kellykellymoore 6:44 AM, Saturday June 6, 2009 EDT
from sa|ch| and currently, there are few players at 0 table i suspected cheating. on of them is assass!n and the other is h3h. they drew only dashes and manage to get it.they were also abusing. I will take this players advice as i do not think this player has anything but xsketche's positive influence in mind. has no agenda -changeAvatar -chat -play -post quickcut 11:37 PM, Friday June 5, 2009 EDT

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