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Luvs Ya All wrote
at 1:54 PM, Tuesday March 1, 2016 EST
woohoo congrats on your first blue hun. You held up well all month :o) xoxo
gnice37 wrote
at 3:01 PM, Thursday August 27, 2015 EDT
The forum is there for game related issues and suggestions, not inappropriate personal matters. Please keep highly personal and argumentative issues off of it. If it happens again, you will lose the ability to post, and possibly more. Thanks
gtmnow wrote
at 2:06 AM, Friday October 19, 2012 EDT
where is my email ?
gtmnow wrote
at 1:38 PM, Wednesday October 17, 2012 EDT
i AM WATCHING YOU AND I am tugging on your ear ! ooxx
Kruzzin wrote
at 8:46 AM, Friday July 13, 2012 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9s, Js]
zivas11 folds
jjo calls
SrDave2000 folds
timsino calls
barb922 folds
Kruzzin calls
Kyrthis checks
Dealing flop: [Ts, Ks, 6d]
Kruzzin bets $200
Kyrthis calls
jjo calls
timsino folds
Dealing turn: [Qs]
Kruzzin bets $200
Kyrthis calls
jjo raises $1,200
Kruzzin calls
Kyrthis calls
Dealing river: [2c]
Kruzzin bets $3,200
Kyrthis folds
jjo raises $10,200
Kruzzin raises $37,945
jjo calls
Kruzzin shows [9s, Js] for a straight flush King high
jjo shows [Jd, 9h] for a straight King high
Kruzzin wins main pot $86,524
Kruzzin wins side pot $483
jjo stands up
TLP wrote
at 11:28 AM, Monday January 3, 2011 EST
Ryan was just in and appears he has credited your tourney winnings.
Kruzzin wrote
at 2:49 PM, Saturday November 27, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7h, 7c]
D V S calls
Better than Jboy sits out
Kruzzin calls
agale calls
K8Dice calls
rhhfla calls
Better than Jboy stands up
Better than Jboy takes a seat
qi888 raises $600
pikili raises $9,900
ricker calls
D V S calls
Kruzzin calls
agale folds
K8Dice folds
rhhfla folds
qi888 calls
Dealing flop: [9d, 5s, 2h]
ricker checks
D V S checks
Kruzzin checks
qi888 checks
Dealing turn: [7d]
ricker checks
rhhfla stands up
D V S checks
Kruzzin bets $9,800
qi888 folds
ricker calls
D V S calls
Dealing river: [6c]
ricker bets $200
D V S folds
Kruzzin shows [7h, 7c] for three sevens
pikili shows [5d, Jd] for a pair of fives
ricker shows [Ks, 6d] for a pair of sixs
Kruzzin wins main pot $50,600
Kruzzin wins side pot $29,400
ricker wins side pot $200
pikili stands up
Kruzzin wrote
at 8:27 AM, Thursday November 18, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kd, Kc]
Kruzzin checks
dlyons folds
Euthanizer calls
alanhawk calls
Dinis folds
Esmo folds
chris2115 calls
elsid checks
Dealing flop: [Qd, Js, 7h]
chris2115 checks
elsid folds
Kruzzin bets $1,000
Euthanizer raises $2,000
alanhawk raises $8,000
chris2115 folds
Kruzzin calls
Euthanizer folds
Dealing turn: [Kh]
Kruzzin bets $10,000
alanhawk raises $45,975
Kruzzin calls
Dealing river: [2c]
Kruzzin shows [Kd, Kc] for three Kings
alanhawk shows [Ac, As] for a pair of Aces
Kruzzin wins main pot $114,950
alanhawk stands up

Atrayou wrote
at 5:05 PM, Monday November 15, 2010 EST
Dealing pocket cards: [6d, Td]
Twannie calls
Sie-Yong calls
nodice4u calls
RaahLovely calls
bugmug calls
Kruzzin checks
aakkak calls
patchell calls
kacha_cha checks
Dealing flop: [Jd, Kd, Ah]
patchell checks
kacha_cha checks
Twannie checks
Sie-Yong folds
nodice4u bets $5,000
RaahLovely folds
bugmug folds
Kruzzin calls
aakkak folds
patchell folds
kacha_cha folds
Twannie folds
Dealing turn: [Qs]
nodice4u bets $35,476
Kruzzin calls
Dealing river: [9c]
nodice4u shows [Kh, 4d] for a pair of Kings
Kruzzin shows [6d, Td] for a straight Ace high
Kruzzin wins main pot $89,952
nodice4u stands
Kruzzin wrote
at 8:45 AM, Tuesday November 9, 2010 EST

Starting Hand
smith p raises $100
maveryk calls
Cash-Man calls
A&8 calls
Dealing flop: [Qh, 3d, Jd]
Cash-Man checks
A&8 checks
smith p bets $200
elsid folds
Kruzzin takes a seat
nnniii folds
Kevin Michielsen sits in
Ipokerface calls
smajo calls
frenchie55102 calls
Dealing flop: [9c, 5h, Th]
Ipokerface checks
smajo bets $200
frenchie55102 calls
PokerFranci calls
Ipokerface calls
Dealing turn: [Tc]
Ipokerface checks
smajo bets $200
frenchie55102 calls
PokerFranci calls
Ipokerface folds
Dealing river: [7c]
smajo bets $200
frenchie55102 calls
PokerFranci calls
smajo shows [Kc, 9d] for two pair, tens and nines
frenchie55102 shows [4d, 4h] for two pair, tens and fours
PokerFranci shows [6h, 6c] for two pair, tens and sixs
smajo wins main pot $3,900

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4d, 7c]
nnniii folds
Kevin Michielsen calls
Ipokerface folds
smajo calls
frenchie55102 folds
PokerFranci raises $400
elsid folds
carrillo34 folds
Kruzzin calls
Kevin Michielsen calls
smajo calls
Dealing flop: [Th, 7d, 4s]
Kruzzin bets $200
Kevin Michielsen calls
smajo calls
PokerFranci raises $900
Kruzzin calls
Kevin Michielsen calls
smajo calls
Dealing turn: [4c]
Kruzzin bets $1,200
Kevin Michielsen calls
smajo calls
PokerFranci calls
Dealing river: [Jd]
Kruzzin bets $3,000
Kevin Michielsen folds
smajo raises $6,000
PokerFranci calls
Kruzzin raises $14,500
smajo calls
PokerFranci calls
smajo shows [9d, 8s] for a straight Jack high
PokerFranci shows [8c, 9c] for a straight Jack high
Kruzzin shows [4d, 7c] for a full house, fours full of sevens
Kruzzin wins main pot $62,600
Ipokerface stands up
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