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« First ‹ Previous Replies 11 - 12 of 12
Reality98 wrote
at 5:04 PM, Friday May 7, 2010 EDT
Dealing pocket cards: [Kh, 9c]
Heug calls
Shit Out Of Luck checks
stealthmonkey calls
catt62 calls
Oversize raises $100
bigg gav takes a seat
Miesie raises $250
Reality98 calls
Ray Patterson folds
Heug folds
Shit Out Of Luck calls
stealthmonkey calls
catt62 folds
Oversize calls
Dealing flop: [Ks, Th, Kc]
Reality98 bets $500
Shit Out Of Luck folds
Ray Patterson stands up
stealthmonkey folds
Oversize folds
Ray Patterson takes a seat
Miesie raises $1,200
Reality98 calls
Dealing turn: [Kd]
Dealing river: [8s]
Miesie shows [Ac, Ts] for a full house, Kings full of tens
Reality98 shows [Kh, 9c] for four Kings
Reality98 wins main pot $3,700
Miesie wins side pot $50
Reality98 wrote
at 3:00 PM, Thursday April 29, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 7s]
Klasseegon calls
PhillyxxxGooch folds
Reality98 calls
monica74 raises $1,450
panagos calls
RedGiant folds
OxyContin calls
bubbanva calls
momoneybtw55 calls
Klasseegon folds
Reality98 calls
Dealing flop: [7c, As, 7h]
bubbanva bets $5,050
momoneybtw55 folds
Reality98 calls
OxyContin calls
Dealing turn: [8d]
Dealing river: [8h]
OxyContin shows [Ks, Ac] for two pair, Aces and eights
bubbanva shows [5s, 5h] for two pair, eights and sevens
Reality98 shows [7d, 7s] for four sevens
monica74 shows [6s, 6h] for two pair, eights and sevens
panagos shows [Jc, Jd] for two pair, Jacks and eights
Reality98 wins main pot $7,400
Reality98 wins side pot $1,375
Reality98 wins side pot $4,350
Reality98 wins side pot $4,050
bubbanva wins side pot $1,575
OxyContin stands up
monica74 stands up
panagos stands up
Ozymandiaz takes a seat
bubbanva stands up
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