Level 20
to level 21


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll Noch
Dec 27, 15
21st $0 6 0 0 +1,250 / -2,125 -250 $2,750
2500 Nightly Remix
Dec 27, 15
15th $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,450 -750 $7,770
Mini Freeroll 1
Dec 14, 15
30th $0 8 0 0 +525 / -1,600 -187 $14,095
Europe Freeroll Noch
Dec 14, 15
7th $0 13 0 1 +850 / -525 -113 $850
Mini Freeroll 1
Dec 13, 15
33rd $0 7 0 0 +1,450 / -2,525 -215 $2,900
Europe Freeroll Noch
Dec 12, 15
11th $0 21 0 0 +1,275 / -3,350 -76 $10,626
2500 Nightly Remix
Dec 12, 15
7th $0 7 0 0 +0 / -600 -213 $9,025
Europe Freeroll
Dec 12, 15
8th $0 11 0 0 +0 / -475 -134 $0
Mini Freeroll 3
Dec 11, 15
16th $0 10 0 1 +900 / -675 -149 $18,412
Mini Freeroll 3
Dec 9, 15
32nd $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,400 -750 $0

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
December 2015 1,778th $0 591 78 72 +24,011 / -19,450 -58 $60,501
November 2015 1,751st $0 923 120 103 +38,300 / -20,000 -24 $104,328
October 2015 1,890th $0 883 54 67 +68,500 / -42,737 -86 $147,400
September 2015 1,599th $0 889 88 62 +11,400 / -18,400 -20 $30,850
July 2013 2,622nd $0 410 33 45 +24,632 / -19,200 -124 $76,016
June 2013 3,559th $0 62 8 3 +2,862 / -4,574 -222 $4,574
March 2013 207th $65,145 192 8 46 +34,767 / -51,534 +269 $74,534
February 2013 2,552nd $0 38 4 8 +10,662 / -12,304 -197 $15,262
January 2013 2,863rd $0 589 57 72 +21,000 / -80,540 -151 $94,206
December 2012 3,582nd $0 193 37 20 +10,625 / -6,275 -296 $23,550
November 2012 3,433rd $0 261 42 27 +7,150 / -10,375 -253 $15,475
October 2012 460th $19,191 315 25 62 +18,700 / -15,200 -63 $49,060
September 2012 3,530th $0 193 33 14 +4,332 / -6,232 -311 $14,207
August 2012 3,087th $0 511 74 66 +25,184 / -20,531 -229 $48,309
July 2012 4,353rd $0 510 55 46 +74,175 / -79,350 -173 $155,350
June 2012 3,733rd $0 436 55 31 +16,050 / -22,300 -208 $35,516
May 2012 3,164th $0 333 37 35 +12,591 / -7,825 -183 $35,771
April 2012 3,691st $0 23 8 4 +4,400 / -4,425 -587 $5,900
March 2012 3,601st $0 106 19 11 +6,025 / -6,875 -297 $21,500
February 2012 283rd $43,216 218 19 18 +111,430 / -24,645 -27 $170,145
January 2012 4,095th $0 183 20 22 +9,575 / -11,887 -172 $28,191
December 2011 665th $13,225 286 54 29 +7,987 / -6,325 -247 $14,087
November 2011 5,613th $0 463 91 47 +8,700 / -15,500 -348 $31,642
October 2011 3,442nd $0 375 42 53 +40,350 / -29,000 -203 $79,500
September 2011 3,416th $0 412 44 63 +56,622 / -58,744 -205 $111,244
August 2011 4,931st $0 136 29 14 +10,981 / -7,413 -342 $25,081
July 2011 3,868th $0 891 79 100 +19,800 / -40,007 -138 $81,712
June 2011 1,770th $1,500 1,324 128 127 +41,699 / -62,558 -147 $92,676
May 2011 4,412th $0 159 18 13 +6,400 / -15,162 -189 $17,762
April 2011 3,875th $0 342 55 27 +13,646 / -16,850 -291 $25,792
March 2011 5,417th $0 298 62 36 +9,190 / -13,625 -313 $18,130
February 2011 871st $8,050 1,207 180 110 +79,500 / -60,840 -225 $253,083
January 2011 357th $37,875 917 116 63 +21,800 / -20,000 -152 $70,139
December 2010 4,290th $0 189 20 16 +13,025 / -5,000 -167 $27,547
November 2010 1,479th $2,993 1,530 119 184 +22,800 / -26,000 -119 $59,969
October 2010 982nd $6,950 585 78 41 +20,300 / -14,283 -155 $57,950
September 2010 5,246th $0 529 41 71 +13,675 / -13,993 -120 $41,487
August 2010 6,112th $0 789 60 81 +19,500 / -39,350 -118 $64,750
July 2010 6,022nd $0 518 37 44 +26,600 / -28,100 -105 $62,009
June 2010 5,001st $0 503 35 48 +11,300 / -6,800 -81 $31,284
May 2010 4,088th $0 105 8 6 +8,342 / -13,467 -128 $20,168
April 2010 6,228th $0 252 20 8 +7,375 / -5,000 -129 $11,450
March 2010 5,335th $0 996 97 98 +53,600 / -43,000 -138 $146,069
February 2010 534th $27,944 2,147 206 163 +55,285 / -50,918 -130 $75,514
January 2010 1,749th $4,500 2,437 218 172 +80,764 / -88,239 -138 $180,857
December 2009 1,020th $13,039 2,238 146 146 +52,625 / -65,378 -92 $87,978
November 2009 7,336th $0 1,462 69 93 +41,782 / -71,212 -70 $101,309
October 2009 7,614th $0 595 39 51 +54,775 / -23,700 -98 $107,778
September 2009 6,304th $0 2,210 140 144 +43,000 / -20,000 -109 $146,230
August 2009 6,640th $0 1,530 74 116 +88,000 / -50,211 -82 $203,436
July 2009 863rd $18,385 576 43 59 +14,362 / -16,400 -91 $29,196
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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