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Replies 1 - 3 of 3
Puukjis wrote
at 1:53 AM, Thursday November 11, 2010 EST
Hate all those COWARDS that tries to make alliances by virtual flags while having highest tower of 4 or 5 dice. Be Nice if YOU WANT TO FLAG just CHECK the box! That's the purpose of flaging - giving up fight and STOPING unreasonable luck fight when full towers. I allways respect One That flags with full towers and stops fighting - He WILL NEVER BE ATTACKED BY ME!!!!!!!! EARLY virtuall FLAGERS - Sorry - Killing You!!
iHeineken wrote
at 4:39 AM, Monday November 9, 2009 EST
good player
Puukjis wrote
at 9:43 AM, Thursday August 13, 2009 EDT
Hate all those COWARDS that tries to make alliances by virtual flags while having highest tower of 4 or 5 dice. Be Nice if YOU WANT TO FLAG just CHECK the box! That's the purpose of flaging - giving up fight un STOPING unreasonable luck fight when full towers. I allways respect One That flags with full towers and stops fighting - He WILL NEVER BE ATTACKED BY ME!!!!!!!! EARLY virtuall FLAGERS - Sorry - Killing You!!
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
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