Level 74
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Reviews 1 - 9 of 9

hey sof... seen u popped in to say hi hope your well bro!!!
"pebble" on Monday April 28, 2014
Hi Sof, hope you and family are doing well??? take care my brother from another mother!!!
john27 on Friday March 21, 2014
VN So good to see you win it again!
cottonhead on Wednesday May 1, 2013
fino brate nice 1st anyways congrats see you soon gl next month
mark07 on Wednesday January 2, 2013
Hand Table Finished Chips Rank 51.329.026 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:40 AM CDT $398.622 (+67,341) 45th 51.329.023 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:40 AM CDT $398.622 (+0) 56th 51.329.016 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:40 AM CDT $202.622 (+196,000) 56th 51.329.014 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:39 AM CDT $202.622 (+0) 118th 51.329.006 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:39 AM CDT $101.311 (+101,311) 118th 51.328.999 Mangro svi 31, 1:38 AM CDT $98.211 (+3,100) 178th 51.328.992 Mangro svi 31, 1:38 AM CDT $98.210 (+1) 184th 51.328.989 Mangro svi 31, 1:38 AM CDT $78.211 (+19,999) 184th 51.328.984 Mangro svi 31, 1:37 AM CDT $68.811 (+9,400) 222nd 51.328.980 Mangro svi 31, 1:37 AM CDT $62.211 (+6,600)51.329.026 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:40 AM CDT $1.067.341 (-67,341) 25th 51.329.023 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:40 AM CDT $1.068.341 (-1,000) 23rd 51.329.016 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:40 AM CDT $1.264.341 (-196,000) 23rd 51.329.014 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:39 AM CDT $1.265.341 (-1,000) 19th 51.329.006 Psuedo-Advanced C svi 31, 1:39 AM CDT $1.366.652 (-101,311) 19th 51.328.999 Mangro svi 31, 1:38 AM CDT $1.369.752 (-3,100) 19th 51.328.992 Mangro svi 31, 1:38 AM CDT $1.369.753 (-1) 19th 51.328.989 Mangro svi 31, 1:38 AM CDT $1.389.752 (-19,999) 19th 51.328.984 Mangro svi 31, 1:37 AM CDT $1.399.152 (-9,400) 18th 51.328.980 Mangro svi 31, 1:37 AM CDT $1.405.752 (-6,600)
sofoklo on Thursday May 31, 2012
i forgot .. congrats m8 for 6th take care and see u later... :)) Tara
ouzbek on Saturday January 1, 2011
Merry Christmas
get her done on Thursday December 23, 2010
Ty sofo, good month m8, was struggin to catch you but managed to win the grand finale to pip you to 3rd, fell asleep after that hopin you wouldn't awake))))))
Roddy on Friday July 2, 2010
cigsmokingman: gg dude FBM: ul sofo, starfish_warrior: gg sofo sofoklo: tx cya starfish_warrior: <<<<<<<<<<<< likes sofo sofoklo has left starfish_warrior: for a Croat he's real nice FBM: lol LOVE YOU SOFO :)
starfish_warrior on Wednesday May 5, 2010
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