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Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
August 2023 57th $214425 35 0 1 +5,475 / -600 +219 $215325
November 2022 308th $0 6 0 0 +2,250 / -3,425 -250 $3750
September 2019 383rd $6069 10 1 1 +4,583 / -1,500 +308 $6069
December 2018 1250th $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,450 -750 $1450
September 2018 691st $1400 2 0 0 +0 / -50 -50 $1450
July 2018 970th $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,250 -750 $1250
April 2018 446th $5113 71 1 4 +4,800 / -7,740 -223 $19140
March 2018 990th $0 55 1 3 +4,325 / -6,533 -61 $8500
February 2018 1193rd $0 5 0 0 +400 / -1,153 -299 $1253
January 2018 1117th $0 15 2 0 +0 / -1,450 -363 $1450
December 2017 1306th $0 215 2 8 +8,425 / -13,918 -76 $25350
November 2017 326th $19960 89 1 5 +13,740 / -7,800 -22 $44640
October 2017 1163rd $0 18 2 1 +2,100 / -2,025 -245 $3225
September 2017 879th $1475 10 1 0 +150 / -4,950 -650 $4950
August 2017 473rd $7000 29 6 1 +1,100 / -2,850 -424 $2950
July 2017 256th $30764 670 9 23 +105,000 / -94,000 -103 $357632
June 2017 91st $152656 208 0 7 +43,500 / -17,800 +545 $154656
May 2017 774th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2017 360th $12100 18 2 5 +4,400 / -2,000 +420 $12150
March 2017 184th $61350 57 0 2 +3,800 / -2,000 +301 $61750
October 2016 1758th $0 8 1 0 +625 / -2,075 -374 $2075
May 2016 497th $12325 133 6 7 +4,550 / -7,825 -58 $12600
April 2016 685th $5700 29 0 1 +2,375 / -15,535 -364 $14735
March 2016 617th $7375 7 0 0 +4,950 / -750 +838 $7375
January 2016 1734th $0 6 0 0 +200 / -2,475 -415 $2475
December 2015 532nd $8825 11 0 2 +3,975 / -7,875 -243 $10275
November 2015 346th $18000 14 1 0 +700 / -5,075 -568 $23225
September 2015 653rd $4650 3 0 1 +3,250 / -50 +1,050 $4750
July 2015 1279th $850 7 1 2 +4,525 / -3,950 -307 $6350
June 2015 1569th $0 46 5 0 +1,250 / -2,600 -304 $2750
April 2015 622nd $3350 61 2 3 +5,075 / -6,375 -19 $13675
March 2015 1311th $0 449 36 29 +13,842 / -19,900 -127 $34693
February 2015 384th $9500 264 12 18 +9,208 / -7,076 -38 $12121
January 2015 637th $2450 28 4 1 +2,700 / -1,900 -180 $4275
December 2014 139th $59751 78 3 5 +22,100 / -6,337 +689 $61451
November 2014 2089th $0 12 2 0 +750 / -1,500 -375 $1975
October 2014 1670th $0 158 4 5 +12,700 / -19,485 -57 $39527
September 2014 760th $2125 71 3 5 +3,225 / -4,750 -125 $10266
August 2014 1781st $0 20 2 0 +300 / -1,400 -225 $2075
May 2014 696th $3175 27 4 2 +2,750 / -2,475 -160 $4250
February 2014 1115th $1500 432 24 19 +15,319 / -20,000 -83 $85762
January 2014 1957th $0 264 13 14 +30,720 / -17,660 -89 $59866
December 2013 1999th $0 23 3 2 +1,750 / -2,262 -435 $3200
November 2013 747th $4975 163 2 11 +4,400 / -6,867 +3 $15867
October 2013 2449th $0 3 1 0 -50 / -1,500 -1,000 $1500
July 2013 1734th $1400 1 0 0 -100 / -100 -100 $1500
June 2013 896th $3750 59 3 0 +2,100 / -1,500 -38 $5325
May 2013 3470th $0 12 1 0 +150 / -1,425 -250 $1500
April 2013 2125th $1090 390 8 14 +29,919 / -14,600 -36 $97355
March 2013 2915th $0 493 12 14 +41,525 / -60,750 -40 $75400
February 2013 2575th $0 182 11 12 +7,425 / -15,362 -99 $17296
January 2013 1150th $2750 212 12 14 +11,850 / -17,000 -79 $26952
December 2012 846th $5950 844 52 36 +32,600 / -83,228 -87 $116028
November 2012 2395th $200 98 1 8 +7,800 / -4,950 -29 $13155
October 2012 3017th $0 223 27 8 +4,567 / -5,000 -200 $13993
September 2012 882nd $5175 26 5 0 +4,175 / -1,500 -147 $5525
August 2012 2247th $1350 3 0 0 -50 / -50 -50 $1500
June 2012 1017th $4841 11 0 4 +8,725 / -8,075 +304 $14125
November 2011 5733rd $0 4 1 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1500
October 2011 2669th $1300 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2011 361st $32122 150 0 5 +19,100 / -19,800 +187 $47801
July 2011 1077th $5630 92 3 8 +6,125 / -5,150 -31 $10630
June 2011 3413th $0 203 16 12 +4,974 / -13,499 -150 $16422
May 2011 1304th $3125 883 36 36 +22,000 / -21,500 -59 $51050
April 2011 5705th $0 925 15 30 +52,500 / -60,880 -26 $144062
March 2011 812th $8162 974 55 44 +21,600 / -15,787 -78 $48642
February 2011 1530th $2150 1021 48 52 +32,950 / -19,450 -70 $89873
January 2011 78th $493359 1044 32 44 +144,862 / -86,000 +425 $491359
December 2010 6106th $0 1175 60 63 +31,522 / -19,400 -78 $83684
November 2010 736th $11812 278 22 12 +7,936 / -12,200 -82 $34409
October 2010 6057th $0 213 14 14 +8,640 / -5,000 -106 $11020
September 2010 1734th $1600 61 5 1 +2,250 / -2,775 -121 $3700
August 2010 5666th $0 126 6 6 +4,000 / -6,125 -83 $8925
July 2010 1277th $3664 190 12 7 +11,214 / -22,400 -83 $33364
June 2010 3982nd $0 399 14 25 +8,370 / -17,600 -56 $24028
May 2010 6734th $0 426 14 23 +12,200 / -21,482 -53 $43182
April 2010 1622nd $3505 1124 91 47 +20,700 / -17,000 -122 $32973
March 2010 1708th $3275 1927 91 75 +38,700 / -20,332 -71 $76676
February 2010 4767th $0 2480 85 102 +40,100 / -85,881 -53 $153681
January 2010 693rd $24275 927 36 35 +21,866 / -8,925 -34 $30312
December 2009 353rd $51688 1495 29 75 +15,550 / -8,345 +4 $52663
November 2009 2912th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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