Level 22
to level 23


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll Noch
2012-10-08 00:00:00.0
26th $0 8 0 0 -50 / -800 -188 $1500
Mini Freeroll 2
2012-10-06 00:00:00.0
16th $0 9 0 0 -25 / -400 -167 $1500
Mini Freeroll 2
2012-09-29 00:00:00.0
45th $0 11 0 0 +800 / -1,500 -273 $8050
Mini Freeroll 1
2012-09-29 00:00:00.0
22nd $0 10 0 0 +800 / -837 -150 $8050
Friday Fives
2012-09-28 00:00:00.0
21st $0 8 0 0 -50 / -750 -188 $-371
Europe Freeroll Noch
2012-09-25 00:00:00.0
10th $0 13 0 0 +200 / -400 -115 $5896
Mini Freeroll 2
2012-09-24 00:00:00.0
36th $0 16 0 1 +1,550 / -1,550 -94 $3696
Sunday Slam
2012-09-23 00:00:00.0
9th $0 9 0 0 +950 / -1,400 -167 $28696
Europe Freeroll Noch
2012-09-22 00:00:00.0
23rd $0 15 0 0 -25 / -400 -100 $24425
Mini Freeroll 2
2012-09-21 00:00:00.0
1st $19000 46 0 8 +31,078 / -9,600 +1,515 $10700

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
November 2012 2623rd $0 6 0 0 -50 / -1,200 -250 $1500
October 2012 3522nd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
September 2012 3388th $0 59 5 7 +10,796 / -5,400 +37 $29700
August 2012 5037th $0 30 6 4 +17,400 / -3,000 +567 $27500
July 2012 763rd $9000 73 5 5 +7,225 / -10,325 -89 $10525
June 2012 3258th $0 78 1 4 +9,860 / -5,577 -81 $22460
May 2012 2308th $1450 28 3 0 +300 / -1,500 -162 $1650
April 2012 1287th $3200 14 1 0 +1,975 / -3,375 +14 $3425
March 2012 2577th $1450 3 1 0 +550 / -2,050 -517 $2050
February 2012 920th $7075 11 0 1 +5,800 / -1,000 +507 $7200
January 2012 583rd $17081 83 1 11 +7,400 / -4,700 +170 $16056
December 2011 154th $129375 268 1 11 +28,838 / -20,000 +129 $315645
November 2011 3685th $0 811 15 29 +45,443 / -32,000 -35 $188951
October 2011 3313th $0 383 19 21 +21,100 / -21,300 -18 $39905
September 2011 2690th $1250 216 13 8 +34,950 / -15,800 -101 $80619
August 2011 3048th $437 281 9 3 +5,650 / -4,900 -61 $22900
July 2011 1038th $5900 153 12 3 +6,850 / -7,544 -81 $10025
June 2011 1572nd $1700 2 0 0 +250 / -50 +100 $1500
May 2011 2113th $1500 17 3 0 +1,650 / -1,450 -262 $2950
April 2011 720th $11800 33 2 5 +5,900 / -7,350 +130 $14350
March 2011 2997th $850 3 0 0 -50 / -100 -67 $1050
February 2011 1386th $3013 39 7 3 +6,000 / -4,612 -151 $8025
January 2011 4695th $0 22 6 3 +5,000 / -7,050 -315 $14575
December 2010 3879th $0 48 11 4 +5,850 / -4,475 -149 $7350
November 2010 6256th $0 330 18 20 +26,937 / -25,480 -78 $77650
October 2010 5063rd $0 78 19 3 +4,050 / -2,175 -188 $8575
September 2010 981st $7197 245 19 24 +8,600 / -4,925 +192 $19862
August 2010 2954th $1450 71 8 4 +2,925 / -4,950 -247 $7023
July 2010 2778th $1450 35 2 2 +3,806 / -1,970 -16 $8635
June 2010 3813th $0 415 13 20 +63,051 / -72,351 +56 $155001
May 2010 4566th $0 203 10 7 +26,933 / -57,900 -515 $95008
April 2010 145th $177752 190 1 2 +14,000 / -19,800 -165 $240375
March 2010 5266th $0 607 62 24 +17,174 / -30,500 -127 $89083
February 2010 1561st $4225 265 20 17 +7,125 / -4,500 -44 $17543
January 2010 9250th $0 265 29 26 +10,125 / -10,125 -142 $32500
December 2009 9260th $0 315 32 10 +16,500 / -20,000 -217 $29655
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