Level 22
to level 23


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
lynn may 10k
Jul 16, 13
21st $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $2,450
Mini Freeroll 2
Jul 12, 13
5th $4,000 25 0 0 +3,400 / -3,200 -60 $0
Mini Freeroll 2
Jul 7, 13
14th $0 11 0 0 -25 / -400 -136 $1,450
Mini Freeroll 2
Jul 1, 13
50th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
Mini Freeroll 2
Jun 19, 13
35th $0 13 0 0 +250 / -1,725 -231 $1,855
2500 Daily
Jun 19, 13
28th $0 8 0 0 +250 / -1,725 -188 $1,855
Mini Freeroll 2
Jun 9, 13
9th $0 20 0 1 +3,425 / -4,000 -75 $5,825
Mini Freeroll 2
Jun 2, 13
19th $0 30 0 4 +2,325 / -2,500 -50 $2,925
Mini Freeroll 2
May 24, 13
13th $0 13 0 0 -25 / -200 -115 $0
Mini Freeroll 1
May 23, 13
2nd $11,000 60 1 5 +13,450 / -26,125 -25 $1,500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
January 2014 2,929th $0 7 1 0 +750 / -1,500 -429 $1,850
September 2013 2,805th $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,350 -500 $1,500
August 2013 3,125th $0 11 1 0 +850 / -1,950 -273 $2,300
July 2013 598th $8,659 137 15 6 +5,600 / -4,120 -79 $12,350
June 2013 1,942nd $425 459 30 26 +16,200 / -35,000 -95 $65,249
May 2013 1,920th $1,224 287 23 22 +11,862 / -15,825 -170 $22,799
April 2013 3,730th $0 385 43 36 +21,223 / -20,000 -175 $36,719
March 2013 2,879th $0 228 19 13 +27,000 / -54,475 -156 $82,225
February 2013 2,102nd $1,100 784 65 58 +21,655 / -60,426 -125 $62,726
January 2013 2,840th $0 741 43 48 +21,500 / -25,362 -89 $67,583
December 2012 2,991st $0 649 58 49 +21,046 / -49,347 -136 $74,147
November 2012 3,350th $0 570 73 48 +20,600 / -20,000 -185 $59,359
October 2012 4,217th $0 583 24 30 +68,000 / -68,757 -64 $210,727
September 2012 3,248th $0 12 3 0 -25 / -1,500 -500 $1,500
August 2012 4,584th $0 46 0 2 +5,800 / -6,550 -33 $12,250
July 2012 4,446th $0 123 15 8 +5,450 / -4,075 -195 $9,625
June 2012 3,507th $0 70 18 7 +4,800 / -5,000 -407 $7,050
May 2012 341st $32,817 75 6 16 +44,490 / -16,226 +297 $64,567
April 2012 933rd $6,550 445 10 21 +155,000 / -100,000 -130 $432,314
March 2012 4,117th $0 101 14 6 +7,275 / -7,875 -223 $12,725
February 2012 3,953rd $0 215 26 22 +15,100 / -20,097 -188 $33,097
January 2012 4,311th $0 61 11 3 +2,400 / -3,972 -295 $5,300
December 2011 5,497th $0 152 23 13 +7,650 / -13,200 -237 $14,000
November 2011 4,833rd $0 178 21 11 +6,550 / -11,759 -185 $12,950
October 2011 4,484th $0 345 16 23 +23,900 / -19,700 -81 $82,292
September 2011 4,368th $0 226 11 15 +16,850 / -17,800 -91 $44,558
August 2011 757th $10,833 582 51 36 +11,430 / -16,800 -115 $20,730
July 2011 4,586th $0 403 52 25 +26,667 / -57,000 -197 $61,907
June 2011 3,422nd $0 790 65 46 +11,051 / -12,675 -122 $32,181
May 2011 5,726th $0 238 25 25 +20,700 / -51,932 -164 $82,032
April 2011 3,149th $0 358 31 19 +52,000 / -88,573 -134 $202,673
March 2011 3,792nd $0 415 38 35 +31,050 / -50,397 -141 $87,847
February 2011 4,434th $0 279 39 37 +26,527 / -19,800 -215 $99,964
January 2011 3,661st $0 620 38 52 +48,600 / -98,000 -85 $145,091
December 2010 4,125th $0 217 34 16 +6,950 / -16,225 -242 $19,375
November 2010 6,455th $0 258 39 15 +6,475 / -11,600 -235 $11,700
October 2010 5,637th $0 776 66 80 +32,461 / -22,200 -92 $69,100
September 2010 6,693rd $0 474 51 51 +12,373 / -20,700 -181 $38,815
August 2010 5,817th $0 908 75 80 +41,000 / -128,500 -214 $222,778
July 2010 5,426th $0 1,394 146 109 +23,452 / -22,000 -153 $81,787
June 2010 1,963rd $1,500 554 60 51 +19,900 / -22,600 -144 $38,763
May 2010 5,569th $0 1,301 94 99 +65,580 / -58,000 -104 $104,061
April 2010 2,802nd $1,500 1,496 164 114 +27,975 / -20,500 -129 $53,025
March 2010 7,103rd $0 1,883 180 196 +100,058 / -59,000 -128 $153,904
February 2010 637th $23,100 5,410 459 473 +40,660 / -37,202 -119 $160,003
January 2010 316th $62,872 777 43 104 +26,701 / -40,800 -2 $75,979
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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