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« First ‹ Previous Replies 11 - 14 of 14
Villager wrote
at 9:09 PM, Monday April 25, 2016 EDT
Time and time again I am at the final table with one or two AWAYS. Today there were five players left, only 3 payouts, AWAY had $25, over and over again, AWAY was 'all in', and won, won, won. I was eliminated but AWAY was still there. I played for 45 minutes only to be eliminated by AWAY. There are no adjectives vile enough to describe how DISGUSTING this is.
Villager wrote
at 2:47 PM, Saturday May 30, 2015 EDT
Yesterday, a player who was 'away' the whole tourn. Mini 2, won $4,000 while players who played the whole tourn. which takes almost an hour, left the final table with nothing. Ryan,you are so brilliant to be able to create and run this game, why can't you get rid of 'aways' at the final table. Just wondering???
gnice37 wrote
at 2:06 PM, Saturday May 16, 2015 EDT
Just in case it happens again....Try this, has helped others.

log off your acct. exit out of gpokr. wait 3 minutes, load gpokr, then log back on.

this should get you back. any more problems, please post on my wall or reviews...I have added you to my friends list
kellykellymoore wrote
at 3:02 AM, Friday May 15, 2015 EDT
Hi, Ryan sent you an email. Let us know if you didn't get it. Thanks
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