Level 28
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Luke Schwartz

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Online Status: Luke Schwartz is offline since 11:53:59 Sep 26, 2023 EDT
About: Im from London, England and widely known to the poker community as “FullFlush” in reference to my Full Tilt name, FullFlush1. my first career win was at the Grosvenor World Masters in 2005. i won £3,900 and took eighth place in the £1,000 No-limit hold’em Main Event. Later that year i cashed in on the Harbour Lights in Brighton where i took home £10,850.

i have a better reputation online where my aggressive personality seems to work for my benefit. While playing in ring games in 2005, i become broke plenty of times before finally changing up my nit play style for a more aggressive one. i went on to win the Sunday Million while playing at PokerStars in 2007. Since that win, I have been living it up at cash tables. I have taken on some of online biggest names like Tom “durrrr” Dwan and Urindanger and ive managed to do well against them.
City: london
Country: United Kingdom
Sex: Male
Age: 41

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