Level 35
to level 36


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 3
2018-03-17 22:00:02.0
5th $0 40 0 1 +4,300 / -3,700 -46 $96100
Europe Freeroll Noch
2018-03-12 05:00:03.0
12th $0 8 0 0 +550 / -1,325 -186 $80475
2500 Nightly Remix
2018-03-12 04:00:07.0
3rd $15500 45 0 2 +2,200 / -2,400 -41 $69125
Mini Freeroll 2
2018-03-08 20:00:03.0
21st $0 18 0 0 +700 / -2,450 -85 $68150
Mini Freeroll 1
2018-03-08 16:00:03.0
9th $0 27 0 1 +1,400 / -1,375 -59 $68850
Europe Freeroll
2016-07-27 01:00:07.0
21st $0 10 0 0 +250 / -1,400 -149 $60750
2500 Nightly Remix
2016-07-25 04:00:02.0
7th $0 10 0 0 +1,575 / -2,650 -148 $70375
Taeglich 5k
2016-07-25 03:00:03.0
1st $47500 63 0 4 +3,275 / -1,000 +176 $29575
2500 Nightly
2016-06-04 23:00:06.0
5th $0 47 0 1 +1,837 / -2,487 -41 $10337
Taeglich 5k Remix
2016-04-28 07:00:08.0
1st $55000 82 0 4 +6,500 / -800 +181 $52910

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
January 2020 118th $73437 3 0 0 +37 / -50 -20 $73487
March 2018 126th $97675 403 0 0 +6,400 / -1,600 +0 $99775
October 2016 293rd $23700 25 0 0 +4,975 / -250 +242 $21700
July 2016 204th $59900 163 0 0 +3,000 / -2,800 -14 $66700
June 2016 709th $1500 13 0 0 +375 / -2,855 -613 $8375
May 2016 823rd $3500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2016 141st $89710 62 0 3 +20,510 / -3,000 +231 $98410
March 2016 555th $8825 20 0 0 +925 / -150 +62 $8825
February 2016 405th $16500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
January 2016 1112th $1500 51 1 3 +7,300 / -9,675 -176 $18075
December 2013 345th $22000 14 1 5 +13,000 / -25,950 +607 $26000
November 2013 1301st $1500 23 1 6 +5,000 / -11,000 -935 $11000
October 2013 1297th $1500 35 0 6 +20,000 / -54,500 -343 $54500
September 2013 85th $268468 184 1 23 +62,000 / -60,600 +1,443 $268768
August 2013 1455th $1500 49 6 9 +10,975 / -20,000 -561 $21975
July 2013 1496th $1500 29 2 8 +11,000 / -20,000 -655 $22000
June 2013 1930th $500 6 1 3 +3,000 / -13,500 -2,333 $13500
May 2013 1401st $1500 42 10 9 +5,000 / -10,500 -809 $10500
April 2013 1552nd $1500 34 7 3 +11,500 / -20,000 -823 $23000
March 2013 851st $5500 68 1 10 +20,000 / -55,750 -250 $55750
February 2013 11th $1579075 1890 2 54 +135,103 / -23,400 +823 $1590075
January 2013 1577th $1500 56 7 9 +20,000 / -64,300 -598 $66300
December 2012 92nd $324326 479 2 19 +37,147 / -7,800 +668 $325126
November 2012 81st $353931 1007 0 28 +98,402 / -158,000 +337 $343606
October 2012 1622nd $1500 28 1 7 +13,000 / -20,000 -625 $31900
September 2012 1109th $3150 72 5 12 +10,500 / -20,000 -328 $21000
August 2012 1644th $1500 62 7 4 +5,000 / -10,500 -524 $10500
July 2012 2589th $700 135 10 8 +10,000 / -22,400 -295 $30148
June 2012 1632nd $1500 51 6 7 +5,000 / -11,000 -588 $11230
May 2012 2200th $1500 42 0 6 +13,000 / -20,000 -346 $28854
April 2012 1998th $1500 28 2 4 +20,000 / -80,800 -946 $80800
March 2012 2327th $1500 52 1 8 +5,000 / -13,000 -384 $13350
February 2012 2445th $1500 63 3 13 +20,000 / -20,000 -286 $46875
January 2012 1089th $5797 62 0 2 +20,000 / -19,900 -11 $40000
December 2011 2381st $1500 25 1 12 +20,000 / -20,000 -600 $42000
November 2011 1830th $1500 11 0 3 +25,504 / -50,200 -591 $53804
October 2011 1484th $2200 62 1 6 +12,000 / -20,000 -505 $31375
September 2011 211th $66517 83 2 5 +44,967 / -12,975 +542 $72317
August 2011 2302nd $1500 31 0 7 +20,000 / -56,000 -581 $60500
July 2011 2392nd $1500 49 3 5 +7,175 / -12,650 -214 $13050
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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