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The Caller

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« First ‹ Previous Replies 201 - 210 of 255 Next › Last »
The Caller wrote
at 9:04 PM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
what about this confession
The Caller wrote
at 9:04 PM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
me 2
Roosje318 wrote
at 8:53 PM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
im here
Roosje318 wrote
at 8:27 PM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
you think we need to change table?
Roosje318 wrote
at 8:21 PM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
im a very jealous person :))
Roosje318 wrote
at 8:21 PM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
The Caller wrote
at 7:52 PM, Monday October 31, 2011 EDT
hey Lyne :) only me an u here now!
The Caller wrote
at 8:52 PM, Sunday October 30, 2011 EDT
u 2
Roosje318 wrote
at 8:50 PM, Sunday October 30, 2011 EDT
have the sweetest dream tonight :)
sherryt wrote
at 3:06 PM, Sunday October 30, 2011 EDT
my email is [email protected] if you ever get serious about buying lunch
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