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The Caller

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sherryt wrote
at 9:03 PM, Friday December 2, 2011 EST
I have been sick for two days but I really find what you are doing with R really wrong when you are still married. I wanted to meet you and be friends since we live in the same town but what you two are doing is really too weird for me. I am taking you off my friends list and hope you will do the same. You know how to find me on facebook and sst61 on plenty of fish. But really if you are into cheating on your wife while still married I don't really have alot more to say to you ever. I feel the same about her but she at least can blame her youth you can't say that for yourself.
Roosje318 wrote
at 11:26 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
i.....hmmm.......well......really.....i do......hayyyssss.....see you around :)
Roosje318 wrote
at 10:49 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
4:38 am????????????????????????????????:)
The Caller wrote
at 4:38 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
The Caller wrote
at 4:37 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
The Caller wrote
at 4:37 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
The Caller wrote
at 4:37 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
The Caller wrote
at 4:37 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
The Caller wrote
at 4:37 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
The Caller wrote
at 4:36 AM, Thursday December 1, 2011 EST
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