Level 39
to level 40


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Daily 5k
2019-04-06 13:00:05.0
13th $0 9 0 0 +125 / -775 -165 $7625
Players Night
2018-08-07 00:00:00.0
3rd $30000 19 0 0 +700 / -800 -78 $214818
Players Evening
2018-08-06 21:00:08.0
3rd $55000 34 0 1 +3,000 / -1,700 -50 $187118
Players Night
2018-08-06 00:00:02.0
2nd $75000 37 0 2 +1,250 / -2,800 -46 $152768
Players Night
2018-08-05 00:00:04.0
1st $150000 42 0 4 +3,200 / -700 +310 $30118
Odnexa Freeroll
2018-08-01 18:00:08.0
15th $0 14 0 0 +0 / -200 -103 $0
Players Afternoon
2018-07-29 12:00:05.0
8th $0 2 0 0 +0 / -1,025 -750 $1241294
Players Night
2018-07-29 00:00:03.0
5th $0 25 0 1 +525 / -750 -61 $1253954
2500 Nightly
2018-07-28 23:00:02.0
11th $0 5 0 0 +0 / -1,225 -299 $1198804
Daily 5k Reprise
2018-07-28 17:00:09.0
4th $0 32 0 2 +2,450 / -1,600 -54 $926779

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
June 2020 815th $0 38 1 2 +10,000 / -45,000 -1,444 $52000
January 2020 951st $0 2 1 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
April 2019 899th $0 69 2 1 +2,800 / -12,700 -380 $27900
February 2019 412th $2950 2 0 0 +1,500 / -50 +725 $3000
August 2018 876th $1118 109 9 9 +21,600 / -99,000 -2,077 $231618
July 2018 24th $690864 1385 4 18 +230,000 / -365,000 -40 $1355364
March 2017 892nd $1500 33 2 3 +8,400 / -15,050 -358 $18570
February 2017 1400th $0 29 0 0 +2,600 / -20,500 -2,374 $57500
June 2016 741st $1500 78 0 2 +73,000 / -139,000 -610 $232500
August 2015 1832nd $0 334 7 8 +39,500 / -74,000 -194 $287206
July 2015 1989th $0 501 11 17 +93,000 / -366,436 -329 $448936
September 2014 2204th $0 31 2 2 +4,350 / -4,000 -148 $6500
August 2014 2493rd $0 1620 75 78 +59,378 / -94,913 -100 $193390
July 2014 1347th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1500
June 2014 2359th $0 13 1 2 +3,000 / -4,450 -346 $4450
May 2014 2035th $0 1569 27 33 +205,000 / -460,000 -253 $665129
January 2014 1021st $1650 7 0 0 +250 / -100 +21 $1700
December 2013 1246th $1500 53 1 14 +30,135 / -81,633 -57 $81633
November 2013 2407th $0 224 37 26 +8,312 / -14,866 -274 $15312
September 2013 1108th $1500 1314 3 25 +647,288 / -1,145,342 -1 $1877197
August 2013 1358th $1500 2423 142 113 +350,000 / -617,500 -197 $1374662
July 2013 4th $2831700 2086 107 87 +575,000 / -376,000 +1,235 $2828700
June 2013 878th $3975 1104 94 61 +137,839 / -150,000 -173 $279178
March 2013 3274th $0 153 5 13 +45,349 / -74,325 -59 $96824
February 2013 2533rd $0 92 7 7 +62,959 / -64,281 -130 $125918
January 2013 3683rd $0 1267 79 99 +94,500 / -148,000 -123 $362194
December 2012 1323rd $1900 3477 243 193 +92,000 / -197,000 -106 $311192
November 2012 2964th $0 1017 48 56 +120,500 / -184,000 -328 $506500
October 2012 2935th $0 1837 66 75 +258,000 / -381,000 -57 $836044
September 2012 2717th $0 2586 138 115 +477,000 / -470,000 -111 $1231500
August 2012 4391st $0 2652 176 173 +359,000 / -200,000 -98 $1085015
July 2012 4439th $0 431 65 64 +28,100 / -45,403 -230 $102555
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GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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