Level 68
to level 69


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Daily
2023-05-17 11:00:03.0
7th $0 11 0 0 +1,525 / -1,300 -135 $4096
2500 Daily Reprise
2023-03-18 15:00:06.0
9th $0 9 0 0 +75 / -1,350 -166 $19577
2500 Daily Reprise
2023-03-17 15:00:01.0
4th $0 50 0 4 +1,200 / -2,836 -37 $23202
Daily 5k
2023-03-16 13:00:05.0
4th $0 49 0 4 +3,150 / -7,350 -41 $30152
2500 Nightly Remix
2023-03-12 04:00:04.0
7th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Players Afternoon
2023-03-11 12:00:07.0
8th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
2500 Daily
2023-03-11 11:00:07.0
1st $41250 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
2500 Daily Reprise
2023-03-10 15:00:09.0
1st $50000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Players Afternoon
2023-03-10 12:00:07.0
2nd $97500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Europe Freeroll Finale
2023-03-10 09:00:07.0
19th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
June 2023 657th $0 78 11 2 +2,900 / -4,550 -212 $6000
May 2023 247th $2429 29 0 1 +1,636 / -200 +110 $2729
March 2023 554th $0 232 0 1 +92,500 / -98,000 -685 $216002
February 2023 256th $6514 368 6 14 +19,200 / -35,500 +13 $49435
November 2022 399th $0 36 1 4 +3,300 / -3,000 +47 $5575
October 2022 493rd $0 27 4 2 +3,875 / -3,300 -88 $5225
September 2022 825th $0 1691 3 26 +149,000 / -435,128 -437 $937507
August 2022 578th $0 2093 33 49 +141,590 / -132,461 -25 $552630
July 2022 4th $2540210 3196 1 19 +435,000 / -130,000 +188 $2690210
May 2022 157th $31100 131 7 5 +27,000 / -73,310 -414 $115010
April 2022 806th $0 394 4 8 +80,568 / -100,000 -94 $182769
March 2022 866th $0 1111 51 42 +98,500 / -95,500 -143 $234650
February 2022 1st $3462879 3465 15 58 +680,000 / -240,000 +406 $3922879
January 2022 2nd $3760193 1791 1 25 +1,144,909 / -400,000 +1,525 $3777693
December 2021 753rd $0 2477 22 54 +417,268 / -298,000 -368 $1626871
November 2021 3rd $3801333 7954 14 121 +518,400 / -1,920,000 -346 $6971011
October 2021 100th $97500 4068 3 52 +255,000 / -527,500 -122 $1284036
March 2018 412th $6600 23 1 2 +1,625 / -1,200 +152 $6675
September 2017 690th $2100 636 3 20 +87,000 / -77,921 -144 $248336
August 2017 1349th $0 101 1 4 +15,848 / -56,066 -692 $67066
July 2017 1594th $0 22 1 3 +1,625 / -5,000 -449 $3999
June 2017 1374th $0 186 6 11 +20,100 / -17,300 -300 $79200
May 2017 710th $2281 966 0 16 +131,000 / -98,000 -207 $498701
January 2017 1060th $500 1 0 0 +0 / -5,000 -5,000 $500
December 2016 1172nd $0 20 1 0 +3,350 / -4,700 -397 $5075
November 2016 1326th $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
October 2016 461st $9903 14 0 3 +3,375 / -4,122 +171 $10203
September 2016 762nd $2075 160 5 8 +12,003 / -11,150 -9 $24803
August 2016 1911th $0 237 9 17 +15,962 / -18,400 -129 $46062
July 2016 1359th $0 2988 1 37 +970,000 / -2,000,000 -711 $5937253
June 2016 640th $0 49 0 4 +21,600 / -44,250 -102 $76150
May 2016 1265th $400 97 2 4 +13,650 / -22,200 -104 $27300
April 2016 1248th $1400 412 14 23 +29,012 / -71,101 -143 $159757
March 2016 1951st $0 73 2 12 +5,925 / -15,225 -25 $17125
February 2016 2778th $0 511 14 20 +87,000 / -98,200 -275 $209143
January 2016 2198th $0 833 39 38 +68,000 / -117,000 -62 $246587
December 2015 112th $137095 76 0 4 +42,000 / -9,242 +1,540 $138595
September 2015 1703rd $0 33 3 6 +9,625 / -17,473 -395 $17723
August 2015 1614th $0 7 2 0 -50 / -3,100 -1,071 $3350
July 2015 606th $6175 16 0 4 +7,450 / -1,500 +542 $12325
June 2015 715th $3000 367 10 7 +35,171 / -74,449 -406 $110415
May 2015 493rd $4695 784 15 27 +55,150 / -99,600 -106 $204888
April 2015 22nd $610316 3529 18 41 +402,000 / -1,040,000 +114 $4059816
March 2015 1338th $0 2746 59 46 +118,000 / -159,289 +158 $729561
February 2015 1st $7779820 5136 60 126 +2,000,000 / -189,000 +1,238 $7989121
January 2015 2nd $5836459 4905 11 63 +545,000 / -455,000 +1,127 $6398700
December 2014 66th $246479 966 18 35 +84,000 / -88,500 +132 $280798
November 2014 1681st $0 172 27 14 +10,730 / -42,518 -500 $67100
October 2014 1781st $0 437 23 24 +15,900 / -20,400 -108 $35522
September 2014 2nd $4030122 4055 2 71 +278,366 / -210,000 +770 $4018622
August 2014 2159th $0 977 71 36 +51,021 / -88,499 -264 $226925
July 2014 7th $1895987 3218 22 36 +537,500 / -740,000 +848 $2648614
June 2014 15th $918522 2868 0 19 +546,726 / -367,817 -26 $1949521
May 2014 3rd $4000279 5169 32 47 +1,080,000 / -2,100,000 +680 $4356154
April 2014 11th $1326791 1112 25 44 +177,000 / -125,000 +1,158 $1361791
March 2014 1972nd $0 373 32 24 +30,000 / -107,875 -133 $112875
February 2014 2111th $0 156 17 9 +9,420 / -12,400 -173 $20245
January 2014 1969th $0 549 25 31 +54,755 / -64,375 -214 $185216
December 2013 2400th $0 1758 64 65 +123,700 / -119,998 -71 $369298
November 2013 55th $373046 2743 87 85 +160,000 / -612,000 +76 $725550
October 2013 1119th $1500 4500 23 54 +495,500 / -888,891 -34 $2739858
September 2013 2848th $0 1972 24 71 +106,000 / -132,000 -20 $303224
August 2013 2688th $0 1266 65 57 +32,000 / -107,250 -245 $190593
July 2013 48th $387698 1477 52 44 +455,700 / -121,233 +238 $912758
June 2013 7th $2344636 4451 5 78 +520,000 / -300,000 +494 $2820136
May 2013 2400th $0 5105 117 157 +208,000 / -231,500 -36 $638476
April 2013 11th $1303125 6538 124 200 +319,000 / -367,500 +194 $1698825
March 2013 3rd $3688482 4051 26 68 +469,500 / -312,500 +864 $3837482
February 2013 35th $609574 2540 6 49 +108,000 / -139,248 +161 $779040
January 2013 29th $919753 2919 45 104 +111,500 / -97,100 +187 $821378
December 2012 1030th $3975 3484 17 135 +35,058 / -97,500 -4 $299191
November 2012 4131st $0 1959 41 99 +15,600 / -25,055 -40 $88770
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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