Level 28
to level 29

Lalita Lani

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This player has been modded by the community

trial restoration +chat integral 11:13 PM, Monday May 9, 2016 EDT
muted for repeated harassment of DonnieScribbles -chat integral 11:41 PM, Thursday April 21, 2016 EDT
restored on the 20th like I said. +chat integral 8:26 AM, Wednesday April 20, 2016 EDT
Couldn't even last a day, not gonna be lenient with you anymore. See you in May. -chat integral 12:15 PM, Wednesday April 13, 2016 EDT
I really hope this is the last time +chat integral 5:46 PM, Tuesday April 12, 2016 EDT
no chat rest of month -chat integral 2:17 PM, Monday April 11, 2016 EDT
*unmutes* remember what we talked about! +chat +post jurgen 6:31 AM, Friday April 1, 2016 EDT
given the 20 things I didn't ban you for in the last weeks because I tried to let you cool off, this has gone too far. You can try play without chat from now on -post jurgen 2:36 PM, Monday March 21, 2016 EDT
Lalita Lani: Oh look ass is back -chat jurgen 2:33 PM, Monday March 21, 2016 EDT
I hope you are familiar with the concept of "zero tolerance": no rage. no excuses. no discussion +chat +play +post jurgen 9:28 AM, Sunday February 28, 2016 EST
still no control over rage -chat -play -post jurgen 7:59 PM, Sunday February 21, 2016 EST
restored +chat +play integral 9:48 AM, Sunday February 21, 2016 EST
sort out your problems I'm tired of baby sitting you two -chat -play integral 2:29 PM, Wednesday February 17, 2016 EST
fresh start. have fun +chat +play jurgen 4:36 AM, Thursday February 11, 2016 EST
Lalita Lani and sung2323 will take a joined 3 day ban on ALL accounts for hate speech in chat and general toxicity to this fun game. Take a break and calm down. This game is about having fun and not about raging and ruining other people's day! -chat -play jurgen 3:24 AM, Monday February 8, 2016 EST
agreed to behave +chat +play +post jurgen 8:39 AM, Saturday June 6, 2015 EDT
you and Omari are acting like the worst two kids ever. This has gone too far. Banned until further notice until both of you agree to stop this insanity. Don't play on alts either. -play -post jurgen 2:48 AM, Saturday June 6, 2015 EDT
never ending abusive language -chat jurgen 5:55 PM, Thursday June 4, 2015 EDT
freeeeeeeee +chat +play +post jurgen 2:59 AM, Saturday March 28, 2015 EDT
2 days without Kdice -chat -play -post jurgen 12:56 PM, Monday March 23, 2015 EDT
you can play again, have fun +play jurgen 11:18 AM, Friday November 8, 2013 EST
One month ban for pga. Do not play other accounts either or your ban length will increase. -play jurgen 10:37 AM, Thursday October 17, 2013 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 4 of 4

Still the same crappy game
Lalita Lani on Friday September 27, 2024
A great player and a great friend. Gpokr and Kdice are always more fun when Lani is online. So glad she's a member of this community!
DivideAndConquer on Sunday May 28, 2023
Not sure how one comment - Needs to focus on her own play and not keep writing horrible reviews on older players reviews. Everyone plays their own game. - turned into and autobiography. Where did I mention your reviews? But now you mention them. Who cares if kdice is harder or not? Everyone lags and yes its painful at times, but you seem to manage to blame everything and everyone for you getting bored and frustrated with the game and I have noticed even when you are winning. Even me? Even when I am not their you still have the same attitude and I know this for a fact.All I have said to you is take your foul mouth back to kdice and if you really dont like gpokr there are other sites. When have I ever called you names? I have gone for months with no luck but also down to my bad play, so get used to it, its gpokr. As for writing all those reviews they have been playing for years and not going to listen to a newbie on how to tell them how to play or not to play, all play their own game. If we all wrote on reviews on our opiions and that is all eventually gpokr would be totally dead. No worries will not be playing anymore members so you moan away and use someone else as an excuse for not wanting to continue to play.
Time To Be Nice on Tuesday May 23, 2023
Spot on! Time to be nice. shes like a spoilt brat, when players don't play EXACTLY how she thinks the game should be played, i mean look at her reviews, anyone can see what kind of person she is.
"pebble" on Friday May 19, 2023
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