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post off for no reason, fixed +post gnice37 8:17 PM, Sunday April 1, 2018 EDT

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vnh penny Starting Hand Dealing pocket cards: [9d, Kd] Sugarol calls cottonhead calls gnice37 folds augen folds macroset folds penny2 raises $700 ujlakid calls cologino folds xbreezex folds Sugarol raises $1,000 cottonhead calls ujlakid calls Dealing flop: [Kc, Tc, 8d] Sugarol bets $1,200 cottonhead raises $1,975 ujlakid calls Sugarol raises $800 Dealing turn: [Qc] Dealing river: [Jc] penny2 shows [As, Ac] for a straight flush Ace high ujlakid shows [9s, Js] for a straight King high Sugarol shows [5c, 5h] for a flush King high cottonhead shows [8h, 8s] for three eights penny2 wins main pot $3,100 Replay: http://gpokr.com/games/75819338 Sugarol wins side pot $2,850 Sugarol wins side pot $3,050 Sugarol wins side pot $25
gnice37 on Friday September 2, 2016
Commits to a hand no matter, once they call the blind. Could have pocket 3s, and will call 19K raise with only 1,600 committed to the pot. Crazy player, lucky at times, but odds will catch up.
Dick Tucker on Wednesday August 3, 2016
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