Level 42
to level 43


site is a joke
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This player has been modded by the community

KP, several reports of inappropriate language...again. We all get frustrated with the site or bad plays, but you cannot continue with the language. Keep in mind that Mods have Alt accounts and when asked to stop and you do not, I have no choice but to ban again. Hopefully not for a long as last time, but you did promise me when I lifted it that you would behave... so, it is what it is. -chat annat 7:03 PM, Wednesday July 24, 2024 EDT
fix +changeAvatar annat 10:08 PM, Wednesday April 3, 2024 EDT
fix. -changeAvatar annat 10:08 PM, Wednesday April 3, 2024 EDT
Lifting chat ban. Has served time since 2017, but it is a warning that you cannot just run your mouth. Hopefully you have grown up! +chat annat 9:11 PM, Wednesday April 3, 2024 EDT
. -avatar kellykellymoore 1:38 AM, Sunday July 23, 2017 EDT
have had enough of seeing you call people bitches and pussys...your foul mouth is not needed here and you have been warned and lost chat before for the same reasons...as far as im concerned your chat is banned for good...if another mod wants to reinstate you they can ..but i wont.... -chat KC 97 12:25 AM, Sunday July 23, 2017 EDT
from a wishful mom's basement dweller. -post kellykellymoore 10:31 PM, Saturday July 8, 2017 EDT
. +chat kellykellymoore 9:53 PM, Tuesday March 21, 2017 EDT
take a short chat break. One day you'll learn, maybe. -chat kellykellymoore 8:41 PM, Monday November 23, 2015 EST
please refrain from the language or your acct will be permanently muted +chat gnice37 4:04 PM, Friday August 14, 2015 EDT
chat removed as per hammster. -chat +post gnice37 9:27 PM, Tuesday August 11, 2015 EDT

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