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lost of chat and play till fur.notice -chat -play Hammster 11:42 AM, Saturday October 24, 2015 EDT

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There is no further notice, he's through. It's the same guy- BreadMaster: All of you are cowards who deserve to die, and I will enjoy murdering each of your family members. BreadMaster: All of you are cowards who deserve to die, and I will enjoy murdering each of your family members. BreadMaster: All of you are cowards who deserve to die, and I will enjoy murdering each of your family members./ He had perfect freedom here to express his communist views but some monkeys can't resist spouting blood. Which is why his doctrine enslaves him, because his kind cannot be trusted with freedom. Allah has nothing but sadness and shame for this confused man. Create 1 more account here sir, and the authorities will be involved. Now go in peace and be the change you want to see, instead of giving up and disrespecting yourself and your brothers and sisters here, thank you.
Rerazor on Sunday October 25, 2015
Tostada: Thanks..not thx..I guess the idiot slut never learned how to spell...But she is an American Slut who deserve to die in the 9/11 attacks like all of those other idiot Americans who deserved to die.
Hammster on Saturday October 24, 2015
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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