Level 33
to level 34

Mako mako

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This player has been modded by the community

removed for harassment of a player, do not reinstate -chat -post gnice37 5:47 PM, Monday November 7, 2022 EST
please keep the language clean. next time will result in a longer chat ban and a possible ban of play. thx and gl +chat gnice37 8:34 PM, Sunday February 28, 2021 EST
after discussing w/ KC after he previously warned and muted you for racist chat, your chat will be removed till March 1st...next time will be a permanent mute. -chat gnice37 9:33 PM, Thursday January 28, 2021 EST
. +chat gnice37 9:32 PM, Thursday January 28, 2021 EST
removed chat for racist language again towards slick7...i really don't want to remove your chat permanently...giving you 2 weeks to think this over. please respect others -chat gnice37 10:46 PM, Monday January 25, 2021 EST
please follow the rules, next time will be a longer ban in play. +play gnice37 5:46 PM, Tuesday December 1, 2020 EST
- play till end of november for playing multiple accts at the same time and transferring chips after being warned on 2 accts. http://gpokr.com/games/88030380 -play gnice37 10:17 PM, Friday November 27, 2020 EST
restored your chat...anymore racist comments or threatening people will result in a perm chat ban on all of your accts +chat +post KC 97 5:19 PM, Sunday November 1, 2020 EST
Racist language and wishing harm on another players family will not be tolerated....take a chat break till the end of oct. -chat KC 97 1:47 PM, Friday October 23, 2020 EDT

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GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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