Level 16
to level 17


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 2
Jun 19, 12
31st $0 16 0 2 +1,950 / -2,600 -94 $5,000
Mini Freeroll 2
Jun 17, 12
14th $0 16 0 0 +200 / -400 -94 $2,500
Europe Freeroll Noch
Jun 9, 12
10th $0 13 0 0 +800 / -525 -119 $2,500
Europe Freeroll Noch
Mar 21, 12
44th $0 5 0 0 +600 / -1,075 -300 $0
Europe Freeroll
Mar 10, 12
35th $0 3 0 0 +275 / -1,400 -500 $3,060
Mini Freeroll 3
Mar 3, 12
37th $0 8 0 0 +1,200 / -1,500 -188 $0
lynn may 10k
Oct 18, 11
11th $0 14 0 0 -25 / -200 -107 $1,500
Mini Freeroll 2
Sep 2, 11
19th $0 12 0 0 -25 / -400 -125 $1,500
Mini Freeroll 3
Aug 5, 11
13th $0 15 0 1 +250 / -200 -100 $1,500
Odnexa Freeroll
Jul 27, 11
24th $0 15 0 0 +600 / -400 -100 $1,500

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
October 2012 533rd $15,125 38 1 15 +26,150 / -19,393 -602 $47,750
September 2012 4,669th $0 17 3 7 +5,300 / -8,400 -353 $11,350
July 2012 434th $22,087 35 5 6 +6,825 / -10,979 +17 $21,125
June 2012 1,099th $4,000 40 6 3 +27,510 / -20,355 -762 $53,649
May 2012 1,077th $5,000 50 5 9 +7,575 / -5,000 -390 $14,875
April 2012 876th $7,500 56 11 0 +4,550 / -6,050 -723 $7,250
March 2012 3,073rd $97 138 20 18 +29,234 / -37,900 -384 $65,431
February 2012 4,968th $0 18 6 1 +1,450 / -2,500 -1,000 $3,050
October 2011 1,067th $5,000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
September 2011 3,618th $0 17 7 0 +2,100 / -1,500 -706 $3,725
August 2011 5,910th $0 67 10 12 +9,320 / -5,975 -246 $20,740
July 2011 4,354th $0 143 31 24 +20,700 / -20,800 -357 $40,657
June 2011 4,384th $0 89 19 13 +16,851 / -14,918 -337 $35,376
May 2011 4,749th $0 53 16 4 +5,700 / -13,914 -792 $19,000
March 2011 4,760th $0 14 4 1 +2,100 / -6,025 -536 $6,325
February 2011 6,146th $0 4 1 1 +3,100 / -3,227 -750 $4,600
December 2010 3,869th $0 3 1 0 +300 / -1,800 -1,000 $1,800
October 2010 5,583rd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
September 2010 6,906th $0 20 6 4 +6,000 / -2,350 -525 $7,700
August 2010 6,265th $0 199 53 28 +12,018 / -22,475 -472 $24,216
July 2010 6,388th $0 827 203 81 +31,100 / -32,025 -368 $61,900
June 2010 3,988th $0 357 107 53 +11,324 / -15,725 -458 $19,155
May 2010 6,629th $0 88 26 10 +19,170 / -19,562 -460 $31,200
April 2010 4,969th $0 78 14 7 +7,775 / -13,058 -289 $14,258
March 2010 5,725th $0 174 46 33 +14,554 / -14,750 -405 $22,463
February 2010 4,967th $0 69 22 10 +8,200 / -18,650 -500 $19,850
January 2010 8,370th $0 19 9 0 +1,725 / -3,225 -789 $3,225
December 2009 5,553rd $0 43 14 6 +4,700 / -3,161 -523 $6,200
November 2009 5,686th $0 19 6 1 +2,929 / -4,425 -552 $5,858
October 2009 9,247th $0 60 13 10 +10,216 / -10,850 -350 $17,216
September 2009 6,943rd $0 10 2 2 +3,725 / -4,225 -450 $6,800
August 2009 5,541st $0 81 26 5 +5,600 / -7,675 -500 $8,325
July 2009 10,025th $0 540 165 92 +37,432 / -20,150 -461 $55,548
June 2009 263rd $85,402 420 133 57 +38,600 / -15,235 -312 $85,602
May 2009 9,959th $0 1,607 431 216 +20,500 / -35,000 -395 $59,653
April 2009 10,144th $0 623 166 67 +32,650 / -26,814 -414 $58,500
March 2009 11,358th $0 833 243 116 +16,774 / -17,650 -448 $36,206
February 2009 9,499th $0 414 107 39 +9,900 / -12,271 -390 $22,575
January 2009 7,378th $0 376 71 50 +20,052 / -10,775 -302 $35,603
December 2008 9,704th $0 936 225 104 +12,297 / -11,250 -367 $36,190
November 2008 11,028th $0 402 93 36 +14,275 / -9,718 -362 $32,075
October 2008 10,036th $0 14 4 3 +4,650 / -6,275 -536 $9,400
August 2008 3,468th $1,475 11 2 0 +1,575 / -2,050 -275 $3,025
May 2008 2,607th $2,650 2 0 0 +700 / +450 +1,325 $2,650
March 2008 9,082nd $0 7 1 0 -25 / -1,275 +0 $1,475
February 2008 9,493rd $0 21 5 0 +4,209 / -5,509 +0 $5,509
January 2008 7,702nd $0 19 3 0 +1,550 / -1,825 +0 $3,150
August 2006 6,752nd $0 0 14 0 +47,400 / -69,900 +0 $7,700
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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