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Retired 11/07/08
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Magic Roundabout wrote
at 2:35 AM, Sunday May 8, 2016 EDT
Miss you man I actually was one of the last people to speak to you after I found out. Wish you had mentioned how you felt dude R.I.P
toad92 wrote
at 2:24 PM, Thursday July 9, 2009 EDT
just found out what happened...that just sucks
5er wrote
at 2:15 PM, Friday April 17, 2009 EDT
i only just heard the news now. Cody was a great guy, and he went far too young. so sad.
RaccoonTail wrote
at 2:27 AM, Saturday March 14, 2009 EDT
I miss you dude.
Caesar wrote
at 11:28 PM, Wednesday January 28, 2009 EST
miss you
nexon wrote
at 2:40 AM, Monday January 26, 2009 EST
really nice guy,i miss him
XCRobin wrote
at 10:08 AM, Friday January 23, 2009 EST
Bye Cody. I miss you.
MadWilly wrote
at 7:52 PM, Thursday January 22, 2009 EST
About: Bye Guys. It's been fun.
Been a pleasure to me too.
nuflis wrote
at 7:41 PM, Thursday January 22, 2009 EST
I'm missing you, friend.
Hart wrote
at 1:41 PM, Monday November 3, 2008 EST
you're ridiculous
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