Members Final 25k

$25,000 Buy-In

Completed Tournaments 1 - 10 of 189 Older › Last »
Friday, January 31   Members Final 25k
1st tashabee $+152,000
2nd HaveMercy $+88,000
3rd pierthr $+60,000
4th Spicelady $+44,000
5th leon6854 $+32,000
6th alexmilne $+24,000
full results...
2 PM EST 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 6
  Members Final 25k
1st asiamagoo $+152,000
2nd ***Insane*** $+88,000
3rd HaveMercy $+60,000
4th Spicelady $+44,000
5th pierthr $+32,000
6th tashabee $+24,000
full results...
2 PM EST 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 6
Saturday, November 30   Members Final 25k
1st Gliss $+150,000
2nd Spicelady $+86,250
3rd leon6854 $+60,000
4th SpookyAnnya $+45,000
5th tashabee $+33,750
full results...
2 PM EST 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 5
Thursday, October 31   Members Final 25k
1st NardSausage $+150,000
2nd leon6854 $+86,250
3rd tashabee $+60,000
4th annat $+45,000
5th Spicelady $+33,750
full results...
2 PM EDT 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 5
Monday, September 30   Members Final 25k
1st aamike $+160,000
2nd X GLASS $+97,500
3rd backbay $+70,000
4th tashabee $+55,000
5th martindian $+40,000
6th annat $+30,000
7th HottShott $+20,000
8th Gliss $+15,000
9th Spicelady $+12,500
full results...
2 PM EDT 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 10
Saturday, August 31   Members Final 25k
1st aamike $+152,000
2nd leon6854 $+88,000
3rd SpookyAnnya $+60,000
4th tashabee $+44,000
5th Gliss $+32,000
6th Spicelady $+24,000
full results...
2 PM EDT 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 6
  Members Final 25k
1st NardSausage $+150,750
2nd Spicelady $+92,250
3rd lucky1906 $+65,249
4th Gliss $+49,500
5th leon6854 $+36,000
6th tashabee $+27,000
7th SpookyAnnya $+18,000
8th lickylicky $+13,500
full results...
2 PM EDT 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 8
Sunday, June 30   Members Final 25k
1st leon6854 $+152,000
2nd alexmilne $+92,625
3rd Cash-Man $+66,500
4th KC 97 $+52,250
5th lickylicky $+38,000
6th tashabee $+28,500
7th FrostyCDM $+19,000
8th Starbies $+14,250
9th asiamagoo $+11,875
full results...
2 PM EDT 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 9
Friday, May 31   Members Final 25k
full results...
2 PM EDT 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 9
Tuesday, April 30   Members Final 25k
full results...
2 PM EDT 12:00 AM EST $25,000 $250,000 9
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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