FYI Site Features FYI
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myerlyn wrote
at 1:54 AM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT
For new players and those who played here for a short time and may not know of some of the site features that are not posted anywhere.Hope this helps everyone and their playing on Gpokr. RULES---Site Rules and Advisors are found here. HELP---This is how to sign in choose a table and start playing section.Also shows how the refills work and Ranking System. PREFERENCES---Add/Change your avatar,turn On/Off sound,Add/Remove Friends etc.To add a Tagline,Flag and something about yourself for your profile is done here under the "Profile"section. VIEWING A PLAYERS PROFILES---Clicking on any players name at a table brings up their profile.Doing a "SEARCH" is also another way to view a players profile. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These next Features are NOT posted anywhere on Gpokr and can still be used while playing.It would be nice to see players use the first 2 to help towards any abuse being used towards them. MUTE A PLAYERS CHAT---To MUTE a players chat all you type in where you chat is /mute players name ./ must be in place with a space between mute and players name.To unmute the same player just retype the same thing in.******This only works while players are sitting at the table******Its best you not tell the player you muted them! BLOCKING AVATARS---Clicking on any players avatar will block that avatar. ACTIVATING(OPENING)A TABLE---Anyone who places 1000th or better can activate his/her table simply by changing the table name in the search engine to thier name.Example: http// to http// .Table will only stay active as long as someone is in the room.To find names for activating tables Look under last months LEADERBOARD.You may have to try a few names to get the table limit you want.******I think this is good for activating more tables for less players tables and creating faster playing.Spead them out people and bet BIG....LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLITCHES THAT COME AND GO AND SOME HELPFUL HITS To JOIN a TOURNAMENT it will appear 1 hour before start time in upper right corner above the table.When first starting out and you have just enought to join and it tells you "YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH CHIPS TO JOIN" try standing then JOIN.Your chips have to be banked to join. CANT SEE YOUR CARDS or NO SOUND---Try refreshing (f5)when in on a hand.If you refresh when not in on it will boot you off the table and cost you another blind to sit back down.You may want to refresh after the blinds pass you.Ive sat and with blinds paid and couldnt see my cards and refreshed before my turn got to me and had to pay again.******Some players told me this dont work for them.I have no problems. Your FRIENDS LIST (under preferences)at times will dissapear and not show your friends.You can still add friends just cant delete them.Give it some time it will reappear. The big GPOKR in upper left corner is a refresh I would like to know the TABLE LIMITS |
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kissmy(_|_) wrote
at 6:30 AM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT mye u to death but u have far to much time on urs hands dear! :P
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lynnmay wrote
at 11:18 AM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT very good is very helpful advice to new players who are confused...and somethings I didnt know myself! bravo
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vikkib33 wrote
at 11:28 AM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT Ditto Lynn, well done myer and ty :))
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Gurgi wrote
at 4:55 PM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT Table Limits:
25/50 table min: 1 max: 500,000 100/200 table min:10,000 max:2,000,000 500/1000 min:50,000 max:10,000,000 2,500/5,000 min:250,000 max:50,000,000 10,000/20,000 min:1,000,000 max:200,000,000 (i think) min: is 10x SB max:10x BB |
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Gurgi wrote
at 5:10 PM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT Changing Your Avatar: i do not know, someone else can post good resolution for avatars.
-------Your Profile------- Overview: adding a tagline under your name can be done in preferences as well as editing the -About: section, here you can be creative and post something about yourself or whatever you want. trophies have their own section that are given out to players who reach top 100 in the ranking. --TROPHIES-- top 100 receive white medals top 25 receive blue medals 3rd place, bronze 2nd place, silver 1st place, gold ----------------- Your wall is for you and your friends to post messages. Reviews shows if the player has contributed or been modded by the community (Advisors)* and lastly, fans shows how many players have added you as a friend. *someone else do something about advisors |
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Gurgi wrote
at 5:21 PM, Wednesday April 1, 2009 EDT last thing :D
Other sites created by Ryan, found at the bottom of the site, include: Kdice a game based on dicewars and similar to risk. involves strategy as well as luck. i recommend playing this multiplayer game. A lot of fun and addicting. (this game is complicated at first but once you understand how to play its a lot of fun, dont give up after playing one game) xsketch a drawing game like pictionary. if you dont like drawing this isn't the game for you. There are many nice players that will help you play this game and play with you. New players are always loved ;). Also a fun game for those who like to draw, you dont have to be good at drawing. Both of these games have same layout as gpokr and you can use your same account. They both also end at end of month with trophies. |
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myerlyn wrote
at 1:20 AM, Thursday April 2, 2009 EDT Because my connection is wireless I sometimes lose connection when playing in a tourney and get Booted from the net.When reconnecting I get lost trying to find my table again.Anyone have any suggestion on what is the fastest/best way to get back to your table so the blinds dont kill me? TOURNEYS ONLY
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dr. zoidberg 69 wrote
at 3:10 AM, Thursday April 2, 2009 EDT yeah, myer , just look at the side for your name and find the table #, easiest way for me
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Doe Doe wrote
at 6:01 AM, Thursday April 2, 2009 EDT Thanx Myer, now noobs and not-so-noobs can a quick reference for these tips.
Much Appreciated! |
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myerlyn wrote
at 2:21 AM, Sunday April 5, 2009 EDT JOIN BUG(Glitch)- Says you JOINED a tourney when you know you didnt!(Had it Happen when I didnt have enought to join to begin with) LOL