Level 58
to level 59


Been to all 7 continents!
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This player has 3 contributions to the community

Recognized on 8:20 AM, Sunday July 18, 2010 EDT by kellykellymoore
Del has repeatedly gone the extra mile to create useful and fun things for the pokr community. The tourney spreadsheet is a great tool. =)
Recognized on 5:52 PM, Monday September 28, 2009 EDT by kellykellymoore
Thank you for bringing Pirate Day to our attention and making it fun for everyone.
Recognized on 4:53 PM, Sunday December 21, 2008 EST by TLP
I nominate Del for his kindness in creating some lovely Christmas Avatars for many in the community, helping to spread the Christmas Cheer in the community

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Delboy71 on Friday September 3, 2021
whooooo hoooooo 5-3 away against chelsea.. great result
elbbep on Saturday October 29, 2011
merhoops on Monday October 17, 2011
37 hovercraft : Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Gaelic, Galician, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonia, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scots, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Telugu, Turkish, Ukranian, Vietnamese, Welsh
ThamesBoy on Sunday December 19, 2010
TLP on Sunday October 24, 2010
They say a true friend can go long periods of time without speaking & never question the friendship. These types of friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and don’t hold grudges. They understand that life is busy, but... that you will always love them. Repost if you are lucky to have at least one of these friends. I'm privileged to say I do x
VikkiP1973 on Thursday August 5, 2010
Tyyyyy for giving us reason to make it :D Gooood Luck Dellll. :D
Rhiosace on Saturday October 31, 2009
nice 1 del thanks 4 the link got my avitar lol
"pebble" on Monday September 7, 2009
fuck u "pebble" noob on Friday July 31, 2009 hahahah,u sad little man
10_7_2 on Friday July 31, 2009
fuck u
"pebble" noob on Friday July 31, 2009
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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